Let's demand Saptahik to be categorized an 'adult' magazine

UPDATE: An online petition –To Name Nepali Weekly – Saptahik an Adult-Only Magazine– is started.

A disclaimer first: I don’t know anybody, in person, in Kantipur publication; they have never done any harm to me or anybody I know. Nobody has told to write this article and I have nothing personal to gain or loose by writing this article.

A Nepali weekly, published by once the biggest media house in Nepal, Saptahik, has claimed itself to be targeted to "EVERYBODY" and is publishing contents inappropriate for the children. I have raised this question more than a couple of times and have used every possible medium of communication to get reply from the concerned journalists in Kantipur publication. But, to my dismay, they have chosen to keep themselves in closed door.

Talking with a wall doesn’t solve anything. It is now the responsibility of the general public and the government to force the magazine like Saptahik to stop misguiding the public.

Demand: Let’s ask the government to:

  • Force Kantipur publication to remove "For Everybody" below the name Saptahik
  • Categorize the magazine an "Adult-only" magazine
  • Ban Saptahik from school libraries
  • Ban news vendors to sell the magazine to the minors

The reason for the demand are:

  • At least a few articles in each issue of the magazine is sex related and are intended to arouse sexual desire to the readers. Such articles are not suitable for the kids. For example, in the current issue (Jan 7) the magazine lists the most popular sex videos of 2010 (attached – Photo 1) in ‘News’ section in it’s online version of the magazine. The article encourages the readers to search for the videos and watch them.
  • The magazine features alcohol advertisements and such ads are not suitable for the children (Photo 2).
  • The magazine encourages the readers to become sex-worker. It had featured a Maya Bazin in the cover page (implying the profession is important enough to be featured in the magazine cover) and had also published a tutorial on performing strip-dance.
  • The magazine advertises and promotes sex videos and sex workers. Some interviews published in its previous editions were considered not suitable for ‘everybody’.


saptahik-news-2Photo 1 – Don’t you want to watch these most popular sex-videos of 2010? Here are the names. Go to Google and search them and enjoy!! 

Photo 2 – The most popular page of Saptahik is Centerfold and it features advertisement of alcohol (illegal to be sold to or consumed by children)

Photo 3: Career guides – strip dance and used panties business through blog.

Please share this article with your friends to for a good cause and protect our children from undue exposure to content not suitable for their well being. Following are some of the related articles.

7 thoughts on “Let's demand Saptahik to be categorized an 'adult' magazine

  1. I also support you.It should be considered an adult magazine.It is not appropriate for everyone.Like everyone said, we feel very uncomfortable to read it in front of others.Either they should change their content or should declare that it is an adult magazine.

  2. Yes! offcourse,
    Now a days, usually Saptahik reader are encreasing but, they are reading in alone not infront of relatives and good friends. Because, It has the Adult content inside. So, We can raise a campaign to stop to distribute in open market and school libraries.

    We can categorized it as “Nepal’s Biggest Adult Weekly News Paper”.

  3. i knew you will write about the cureent issue of sapthaik
    what the hell, why need to they publish which porn was watch most? sapthaik used to be one of the best weekly but now a days, it is difficult to read infront of other people. yeah sex should be discuss not porn. and artical sapthaik contains more porn then sex education

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