Mero Euta Sathi Chha 2 NOT to feature Anmol KC

After a show of Anmol KC’s film ‘Captain’ actress Namrata Shrestha and Anmol had a chit-chat with the journalists. In one of the questions, Anmol KC told that he would gladly do the sequel of ‘Mero Euta Sathi Chha’ if Namrata Shrestha is featured opposite to him.

It was clear that, they were praising each other and the journalists were trying to get the headlines. The sequel of ‘Mero Euta Sathi Chha’ wasn’t even officially announced. Media reported as if Anmol KC has already signed in the film. The movie is currently in pre-production and the film director had trouble answering queries.

Dinesh Raut wrote in Facebook:

That is – Now artists have been proposed for the movie yet. We are in the very initial stage of the movie.

Now, this status seem to have created another headlines that, “Dinesh Raut rejected Anmol KC’s interest to do the film” or of similar nature.

Dinesh Raut has told that they haven’t considered Anmol KC to be featured in the movie and they haven’t approached him for the role. Dinesh reportedly told that, “Anmol won’t be in the film.”

According to unofficial rumours, Namrata Shrestha and Aryan Sigdel, the artists of the original film won’t be featured in the movie. The director of the original film, Sudarshan Thapa is replaced by director Dinesh Raut.

Who would be the artists in the new sequel – that is a mystery. Some say, Dhiraj Magar might be featured in the leading role in the movie. There are no clues on who the actress might be.

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