Namrata Shrestha Sex Scandal

Namrata started acting in Grade 1. Watch Namrata’s first film Watch “Sangani” here.

Namrata Shrestha is in the top of the news these days with the release of her latest movie ‘Mero Euta Saathi Chha’.  I haven’t seen the movie yet but I have heard that it is a cocktail of Hollywood, Bollywood and Korean movies. She had shown her acting potential in her last movie  ‘Sano Sansar‘.

Also watch: A video about Namrata:
Namrata to Priyanka, 5 Actress who were Child Artists: Child to Adult journey


This post is not about her acting or movies but about a 8 minutes video circulating in the internet recently. I am not much sure, but the dimple of the girl on the video resembles that of Namrata. The girl in the video seems to be well skilled in what she was doing. Although the couple are talking in English it sounds pretty much like Nepali ascent. The girl, although looking a bit drunk, is well aware of the video recording as the flash lights are turned on. At some point, she tells “turn it off please…. its disturbing”.

namrataPlease see the screenshot from video and compare with the original photo of Namrata. Do you think it is Namrata? If the latest scandal proves to be true she is supposed to be on headline for quite some time.

I hope the video is not a fabricated one to defame the aspiring artist.

UPDATE: Another video has surfaced. A 2:25 minutes long video seems like the first video in the series in which the guy blindfolds the girl. There should be more videos in the series. Too bad, they are talking in English all the time and not a single Nepali word. That’s why, I can’t be too sure that she is Namrata. It seems, there are more videos to come up as the guy told at the end of this video that he is going to setup the camera on a tripod.

UPDATE 2 (RUMORS): If rumors are to be believed; Namrata told that she was the girl in the video. The video was told to be released by the wife of the guy in the video as she took them to Maiti Nepal, a woman’s right advocate in Nepal, for her husband’s apology on the matter.

Detailed Profile of Namrata (link removed) and some more photos (credits :

UPDATE 3: A website, filmykhabar, says that the guy in the video is DJ Trantik. Wife of DJ found this video and she took it to Maiti Nepal. It is still not known who released this video in the internet.

namrata-shrestha namrata_shrestha namrata_3

The scandal video is not suitable to be posted here so I suggest you to search it in the xnepali forum.

I am posting a music video instead: video from the movie “Sano Sansar” featuring Namrata Shrestha. :)

UPDATE 4 (Sept 22): Finally I could see the full video when one of the xnepali forum members has posted it in the forum. At the end of one clip somebody knocked on the door and the guy asked in Nepali “Ko Ho?” (who is there). That is the only Nepali conversation on the whole video. None of the accused, Namrata and DJ Tantrik has told anything for or against the video.
It is sad incident that such a video was released to general public. I hope this incident teaches a lesson to the people not to take such videos and even if they do secure it so that it won’t be released like this one. And one should never trust anybody in such matters.

439 thoughts on “Namrata Shrestha Sex Scandal

  1. Hi,,, Namrata i dont know very much about u i am a Nepali guy but from India right now any way i like your snap very much and i want to frnship with Nepali grl who is look like u if any grl want to frnship with me please email me in this no.. +9711922275

  2. k vayo ta j gare pani teskai mal ho ta arulai k ko matlab je6 thik 6 vayako mal ko kam k ta puja garea rakhne hoina ta everything is freedom like a bird.

  3. je garnu bhayo tyo tapaiko life ko upahar thanyera bhuli dinnu ra nest feri yestai bhul garnu bhayo bhanye kasai le pani tapai lai ramro thannye chhaina

  4. Hey beautiful lady out there, Namrata you are best out of best so please don’t stop your career because of all those nonsense things… Those things really doesnt make any sense.. I am glad that it was just a rumor that you are going to attempt suicide… Infact you are a strong lady… Keep it up girl… and please dont leave your career… I cross my heart and say no one in this Nepali film industry even in Glamour world can come in your comparison. I am your biggest fan…

    • any way be cool namarata life is to enjoy go on ur own track.if ur hero is out of country now can I be now?n lets make other BLUE Flime la.

  5. everybody need sex and it is normal in this word.who publish it we have to give him punishment.and namrata sister i will try to remove u from online.
    i will do my best ok.

  6. it is her biological need for sex we dont care.but it is her social responsibility too not to publish such videos.but she has defaulted depicting her character, irresponsibility and neglegance towards community and society depicting she is a ……re

  7. Sex is being normal in life. Namrata is not a come from sky. she is simple girl and she has human being. Don’t need to make big issue. It’s normal in our society people have a enough time to criticize for other. I looked the video that had normal activity every couple had doing in sexual time as same she did.

    First look your’s face how much you are clearly with self. who have been saying she doing wrong those people are jealous with her.

    • ..if someone is learning a new language…please make sure you’ll learn it properly.
      In this case almost everyone here is making big mistakes regarding words and meaning structure.
      I’ts hilarious to read – I really much enjoyed it. Thank You Asia for being not perfect…

  8. Namrata is not so bad girl, most of the girls having sex with boyfrn but it’s badluck of namrat. I know well about girls. It’s should be secret but it’s became a scandle.

  9. No matter what namrata shrestha video or scandal signals still she is the most beautiful model of nepali glamor field…thats her life and she is independent of it….everyone has sex life only the thing is u don’t shoot video or even if you do nobody publish it…..i like the way she handled the situation…now all the best for namrata to click back to her past identity…

  10. hi
    i m ur biggest fan ; i don’t think that there are any of the actres in ur comparison
    all of then are fake nd small infront of u because of ur good acting, personality
    what ever the news u r my favriote alz
    personally u may be that nd this but professionaly ur best among best

  11. Namrata has been cheated by that guy…………….. I think a publisher is a looser.
    Everyone have sex and everyone does something more than that….. what if she is a model. Publisher did this for money ofcourse and Namrata is just having fun. Thats all than what a big deal. Everyone had sex otherwise how this world is running.
    I still like her and i know more people like me think same.
    Continue on your dam care to this thing Namrata.

  12. Hey Namrata,
    I wanna tell you just one thing….You’re only human (beautiful human)….
    I dunt know what the media is fussing about and all those cheap ppl out there acting like they never had sex once in their life….you know what they got no life baby….
    But you got yours….
    And ya all those people making fun of this situation….They sleep with their mums….
    and I watch it online LOL ;)

  13. Sory!!!!Nams..U’ve alwayz entertained n encouraged us by ur act.I guess al people shud luk on her +ve additude rather than the other.No human being iz perfect N after al mor dan an actress c’s in fact a normal humanbeing lik us.JUST LEAVE HER ALONE…

  14. Its her fault to give permision to use camera while they were making love.Thats why she is also guilty for that. She is not a p0rn star who shows everything infront of camera.If you are a flim star then you have to be aware about these things to maintain your star personality.But it lacks in her. At last she is a good actoress in both.

  15. namrata is best actress 4 me. our business is 2 enjoy with her acting nothing more then that. namrata u can rock the world through ur acting.

  16. everything has two sides like in the coin. it seems like its a personal matter and as it has been published online, its like a public concern as well. i think it would not have been that great deal if it was in western culture. however we just can wish that her life will come to normal. i wonder what is she doing these days after this incident? is she still busy like before in film industry and modelling?

  17. Namrata had suffer a lot nt from her act bt frm da conservative n patriarchical society.
    Whatever c did was her private lif n i think c also suffer a lot from da act.nw its time for us 2 encourage her 2 return her normal lif.
    I think she wil definately recover from that n we can c her btful face smillin.

    • what are you waiting for man?? something bad has happened. it couldve have happened to anyone. she seems very naive. let her go!no need to talk about this anymore. its the past no one need to be a drag queen here. peace to namrata.hope see finds a way to pull herself together. There are people who are with her!

  18. hi sexy lady, u r forward in all types of movies i.e from 1x to 3x. this is new nepal and can be digested in nepal and by nepalese. so keep it up. and when ur next 3x is coming…

    • Why Don’t you do it???
      Why do you have to wait for her movie…
      You sound pretty experienced ay…
      Send you movie dude…

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