Namrata Shrestha Sex Scandal

Namrata started acting in Grade 1. Watch Namrata’s first film Watch “Sangani” here.

Namrata Shrestha is in the top of the news these days with the release of her latest movie ‘Mero Euta Saathi Chha’.  I haven’t seen the movie yet but I have heard that it is a cocktail of Hollywood, Bollywood and Korean movies. She had shown her acting potential in her last movie  ‘Sano Sansar‘.

Also watch: A video about Namrata:
Namrata to Priyanka, 5 Actress who were Child Artists: Child to Adult journey


This post is not about her acting or movies but about a 8 minutes video circulating in the internet recently. I am not much sure, but the dimple of the girl on the video resembles that of Namrata. The girl in the video seems to be well skilled in what she was doing. Although the couple are talking in English it sounds pretty much like Nepali ascent. The girl, although looking a bit drunk, is well aware of the video recording as the flash lights are turned on. At some point, she tells “turn it off please…. its disturbing”.

namrataPlease see the screenshot from video and compare with the original photo of Namrata. Do you think it is Namrata? If the latest scandal proves to be true she is supposed to be on headline for quite some time.

I hope the video is not a fabricated one to defame the aspiring artist.

UPDATE: Another video has surfaced. A 2:25 minutes long video seems like the first video in the series in which the guy blindfolds the girl. There should be more videos in the series. Too bad, they are talking in English all the time and not a single Nepali word. That’s why, I can’t be too sure that she is Namrata. It seems, there are more videos to come up as the guy told at the end of this video that he is going to setup the camera on a tripod.

UPDATE 2 (RUMORS): If rumors are to be believed; Namrata told that she was the girl in the video. The video was told to be released by the wife of the guy in the video as she took them to Maiti Nepal, a woman’s right advocate in Nepal, for her husband’s apology on the matter.

Detailed Profile of Namrata (link removed) and some more photos (credits :

UPDATE 3: A website, filmykhabar, says that the guy in the video is DJ Trantik. Wife of DJ found this video and she took it to Maiti Nepal. It is still not known who released this video in the internet.

namrata-shrestha namrata_shrestha namrata_3

The scandal video is not suitable to be posted here so I suggest you to search it in the xnepali forum.

I am posting a music video instead: video from the movie “Sano Sansar” featuring Namrata Shrestha. :)

UPDATE 4 (Sept 22): Finally I could see the full video when one of the xnepali forum members has posted it in the forum. At the end of one clip somebody knocked on the door and the guy asked in Nepali “Ko Ho?” (who is there). That is the only Nepali conversation on the whole video. None of the accused, Namrata and DJ Tantrik has told anything for or against the video.
It is sad incident that such a video was released to general public. I hope this incident teaches a lesson to the people not to take such videos and even if they do secure it so that it won’t be released like this one. And one should never trust anybody in such matters.

439 thoughts on “Namrata Shrestha Sex Scandal

  1. whatever is that guys…I dont hate Namrata Shrestha…she is the future of our Nepali Movie industry to make it better and better…don’t worry Namrata(softy) for whatever the world speak about u…u just do good movies and actings…Good luck for ur future…and plz dont feel bad!!!…Guys, we shud support her hai!!!

  2. j hos namrata nanu le ramrai carecter nivaye paila ko 2ota sano sano video ma ta belive lagay ko thiana tara 3rd video 15min ko here pachi belive lagyo damie thio tara DJ bhai le chain ……..

  3. I support nr 89 saying.” stop supporting her…….mistake is always mistake, She know that guy dj tantrik is married> She should think of his wife life. She should not come in between. She tried to ruin their married life. just think…what happen to DJ wife when she came in between tham. I think she(namrata) got what she desserve. At this moment atleast Namrata should ask for pardon with DJ wife first.

  4. such a bitch myan
    how could she do this
    sallah k kt haruko reputation back gari rako hola
    kasto cheap kt chee
    sallah die bitch…

  5. kina bekar ma movie banauna pareko chupchap maja liyeko bhaye ta thikai thiyo ni ! j hos maiya lai experiance ramro rahecha hamro pani chance parcha ki??

  6. you could have been careful when u had been a celebrity.only one nepali actress whom i admired depressed me. it was a bad thing to hear and to see but keep hope u will suceed.

  7. namrata ko sex ko video daami 6 badhai 6 namrata lai. tyo dj tantrik sanga ta namrata le khulera sex garini bhane aafnai boy friend raymon shrestha sanga kasari sex gar6in hola tyo herna paaye hunthyo namrata ji mil6 bhane tyo pani flash gara na yar. dj tantrik bhanda ta raymon dherai ramro 6 ni usko suck garna ta ramailo hun6 hola.

  8. नम्रता नानी तिमीलाई आफ्नो मूल्य आफै लै ठ भएन के गर्चेउ??? जे गरेउ राम्रै गरेउ मोज त गरेउ !! तिमि त निकै ठुली भएजस्तो लागेको थियो तर केटाकेटी नै रैचोउ!!! भगवान ले तिमि लै सधै त्यस्तै गर्न आसिर्बाद दिवुन……….

  9. All human beings need sex but if the sex life of public figures are publicised, the public have all rights to comment, question and analyze the situation. I watched this clip and it appears to me that she is real Namrata as also corroborated in other news that she herself had admitted that the lady is Namrata. Now the questions arises:

    Does she has fundamental and basic level of common sense? The answer is BIG NO.

    Does she has fundamental and very minimum level of ethics as she was having sex with married man with kids.The answer is BIG NO

    To all who support her actions, I want to ask, do you, your familiy members (dad, mom ,sisters brothers) and friends want to see and wish to do like Namrata and Tantraik? I hope you will equally hate even if your girl friend does it. The answer for this question is BIG NO again.

    So by all means, although most people feel sorry for her actions, in my opinion, this lady is one of the lowest level of woman in the given situation in Nepal. It’s not the sex is deplorable, its the whole circumtances and her actions in the given situation is very very pathetic and hatredful and embraces all mal-charecters. If we support her, we all have to support and allow this type of actions as normal part of our life, which I belive, in even advance society like in Australia, is not permissible for normal people. We all should discourage these sort of people and activities not repeat it.

    God Bless U guys!

    Bal Shrestha

  10. sex nai garna nahuni vaneko hoina.tara namrata bahinele yastari sex gareta pani vidio sex nagarnu parne ho yahinai namratako thulo vul ho?akhair sex nai nagarneta sayad yo sansarma kunai geeb 6ina hola tra pani manish chetansil vayako hudha sexma pagal navayi kana bina vidio sex nagarnunai namratako vull ho?aba jo sanga sex vidio garnu vayako 6 usai sanga vibaha garera baki jeeban sukha maya bitaunuhola. ok good you.

  11. wtever…. i feel pitty for her…poor girl!!!! girl’s must be clever about this… everybody is free to enjoy on this world but there is a privecy and limitation for everything… no matter what happened but in our culture it’s so bad thing if it will come out on public… her career and future had burned same time when it cames to public… hope she will think that in nepal she will not be able to take even a peace breath on the future… poor girl!!!!!!!!!

  12. नम्रता बहिनी जस्ले जे भने पनि देशलाई आवस्यक्ता पर्दा यसरी हतियार उटाउन सक्नु तिम्रो महानता हो । लाल सलाम ।

  13. it’s normal.nothing to criticize her.who don’t have sex.i don’t think itis a big’s happens’s her personal life.we must not make her difficult to be everybody must be sympathetic towards her.since i did n’t see the video,i can’t say exactly whose is that but one thing i can say it is that what every body involve in.please don’t break further more.please don’t make it a great it a justice to criticise one poor lady being united all over the world?is it rational to criticise her for this reason being involved self. is it good manner to make her kill by ownself?please be be positive towards her.i pray all.

  14. This is to clarify all the masses about this video of mine. It’s true that the girl in the shot is me , but to all the fans of mine and people who support upholding fidelity and respect of women, i would say that i was coaxed into doing all of this and not a bit in it reflects my character or intentions.
    Urs true,
    Namrata Shrestha

  15. this is a private thing… it shouldn’t have been published to the public… wateve tantrik’s wife did is very very wrong… she shouldn’t have taken the revenge like this with Namrata… if she wanted then she should have a talk with Namrata itself… wateve happened is wrong… being a woman herself she couldn’t go through womanhood..

  16. why the people are making big issue about thise.harneey bellama ta u people are enjoying and now chai kura haruu yesstow garneey ….kay khalii namrata ko just mistake chaa ra…………?what about that boy………just u pepole are talking about that girls coz they are girls . boy haru ta jay garay pani huncha 10 janna sanga sex garay ma ta u people will me fill proud hoina ….why u this web site nai block garnu parneey ,..

  17. hey what the hell is happning namrata ? u really hurt all of us..can u feel what happend to ur family ? its so bad that media publish every where …anyway dear doing mistake is bad but repeating again and again is worst,,so keep slilng always….


  18. She is chracterless coz she did it with a married I have no pity, this video is circulated. He is not his husband but husband of some other woman. Yesari aruu ko ghar bhandne kaam gare c yestoo hunu ta Paap ko Phaal yehi juni paunu hoo

  19. It’s natural,if there is good realation & attutude.Nothing coments pls…Don’t disturb other’s personal life,take it easy guys…

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