Namrata Shrestha Sex Scandal

Namrata started acting in Grade 1. Watch Namrata’s first film Watch “Sangani” here.

Namrata Shrestha is in the top of the news these days with the release of her latest movie ‘Mero Euta Saathi Chha’.  I haven’t seen the movie yet but I have heard that it is a cocktail of Hollywood, Bollywood and Korean movies. She had shown her acting potential in her last movie  ‘Sano Sansar‘.

Also watch: A video about Namrata:
Namrata to Priyanka, 5 Actress who were Child Artists: Child to Adult journey


This post is not about her acting or movies but about a 8 minutes video circulating in the internet recently. I am not much sure, but the dimple of the girl on the video resembles that of Namrata. The girl in the video seems to be well skilled in what she was doing. Although the couple are talking in English it sounds pretty much like Nepali ascent. The girl, although looking a bit drunk, is well aware of the video recording as the flash lights are turned on. At some point, she tells “turn it off please…. its disturbing”.

namrataPlease see the screenshot from video and compare with the original photo of Namrata. Do you think it is Namrata? If the latest scandal proves to be true she is supposed to be on headline for quite some time.

I hope the video is not a fabricated one to defame the aspiring artist.

UPDATE: Another video has surfaced. A 2:25 minutes long video seems like the first video in the series in which the guy blindfolds the girl. There should be more videos in the series. Too bad, they are talking in English all the time and not a single Nepali word. That’s why, I can’t be too sure that she is Namrata. It seems, there are more videos to come up as the guy told at the end of this video that he is going to setup the camera on a tripod.

UPDATE 2 (RUMORS): If rumors are to be believed; Namrata told that she was the girl in the video. The video was told to be released by the wife of the guy in the video as she took them to Maiti Nepal, a woman’s right advocate in Nepal, for her husband’s apology on the matter.

Detailed Profile of Namrata (link removed) and some more photos (credits :

UPDATE 3: A website, filmykhabar, says that the guy in the video is DJ Trantik. Wife of DJ found this video and she took it to Maiti Nepal. It is still not known who released this video in the internet.

namrata-shrestha namrata_shrestha namrata_3

The scandal video is not suitable to be posted here so I suggest you to search it in the xnepali forum.

I am posting a music video instead: video from the movie “Sano Sansar” featuring Namrata Shrestha. :)

UPDATE 4 (Sept 22): Finally I could see the full video when one of the xnepali forum members has posted it in the forum. At the end of one clip somebody knocked on the door and the guy asked in Nepali “Ko Ho?” (who is there). That is the only Nepali conversation on the whole video. None of the accused, Namrata and DJ Tantrik has told anything for or against the video.
It is sad incident that such a video was released to general public. I hope this incident teaches a lesson to the people not to take such videos and even if they do secure it so that it won’t be released like this one. And one should never trust anybody in such matters.

439 thoughts on “Namrata Shrestha Sex Scandal

  1. ye nepali veda haru ho timiharu timiharuko buddi kahile aau6? harek kura jiro bat suruvayer jiro mai end hun6 vanne kura timi harule kahile bujhne ha? manab itihas lai her suruma sabai manab haru nangai thiye.ra ahile sansar ko antama feri yek din sabai manab haru nangai hune6. vane nango video herdai ma kina ho timi haru lai miracle lageko? pls namrata don’t’s nothing.nepali veda haru lai yo kuro monky ko hand ma coconout vako matra ho.

  2. hi namrata where are u plz do not hide your face its nothing this is so simple thing plz come out it is natural routine for humanbeing to animal insects etc be courages n brave it does not matter damn care

  3. HI DEAR NAMRATA, malai dherai dukha lagi raheko6 timro khabar thaha pay dekhi.Tar yo sab bhayo kasari? Pakai pani timro kubhalo chitaune ko kam hola.Jasale timro yo hal paryo usko pani ysatai nai hos.Tar timi pir naman pagal haru bahulaun deu kati din samma baulau6n.Tho timro personal life ho timi je garn pani pau6u. Dear namrata timi feri sano sansar ani mero euta sathi 6 jasto film kheler sabai ko man jitnu mero subhakamana 6 timilai. plz dear namrata dont worry bistarai sabai thik hun6 and I LOVE U AND ILOVE USO MUCH…………..

  4. kun sansar ma hunu hunchha sathi tapai haru ? ahile hami 21 sau satapdi ma chhau vanne kura navulnu hola, namrata ji le ke garnu vayako chha naramro sex garnu naramro ho ? prithibi ma vayaka sabai pranile sex garchhan namrata ji le garda naramro vayo ? yati maenor kuralai liyar hamikina nanathari ka kura garirahanchhou ? hamile yaslai upaladhi ka rupma linu parchha yasle nepalka rudibadi samajhalai paribatan lyako chha. media sathiharu haru tapai haru yauta abala nari ko pachhi kina bhagnu hunchha sannu hunchha vanne tyo bekti haru ko pachhi vagnuhos jasle nepalai khokro banai raheko chha, tini haruko agadi chahi kuteko kukur jasto vayar chup chap basnu hunchha thaha vayapani navayako jasto garera basnu hunchha, tar aaj yauta lachar nari ko pachhidi vagnu tapai harulai lagchhina ? Namrata ji tapai le kehi naramro kam garnu vayako chhina jasle garda tapai hide hunu parosh so khulera bahira aaunuhos tapai ko cariyar lai nirtar dinush.( ur frind)

  5. i think she did nothing wrong. its her personnal matter so let it be,and other things is we should be with her in this awuful time of her n nt critisize her anyway i dnt think she will read these comment.
    if she does then dnt be depressed coz i m wit u
    n m ur actual fan.
    i will still b ur fan its a promise.

  6. thanks normtara u did gr8 even u r in Nepal i am fully support to u but is not good quality may be u will produce better quality in future.i am very happy to see ur video,so cant stay without giving a big congratulation for ur sucess hahha.

  7. what namrata has done can be taken as her blind sexual desire.If she had just involved in sex rather than shocking guy’s p…….. than her face could not been identified properly. This is the punishment to her for unnatural sexual relationship. Anyway it is her personal matter wither mistaken or not but her main mistake is she failed to manage her sexual life.

  8. Thukka NAMRATA…….. RAMRO BHAYANA……. maile timro movie MERO AUTA SATHI CHHA 3 patak hereko pani BYARTHAI bhayo…… aile ta LAJ lagchha.

    WHO MAKES NO MISTAKES ,LEARNS NOTHING.Anyway namrata didi! bigatka galtibata paath siknus.paschataap le bhootlai badalna bhayo bhayo.galti manchebatai huncha. Aafno galti swikarera aba yasto kaam garnus ki tapaiko gumeko prestige feri mathi uthosh.


  10. Chelibetiko mukh besya. ghus gusheko muj_ beshya!!!
    Stri ko sabaibhanda thulo kura charitra ho.If you loss this then _________________namrata is good example.

  11. …….. pakka ho life ma sex ta huncha ni tyo usko personall kura ho malie lagcha tyo ktal le pakkie pani drunk gareko bela ma chance leyako ho ani toy kta ko wife le pani ta affnu husband lie kabu ma raknu parcha ni natra tasari chie maitti Nepal ko ma lagera tatro big ponishment ta dinu hudina thyo natra usko budalie pani ta tasti kisim ko ponishment hunuparo ni ho ke kaso guys?

  12. This is really bad news. i recently watched her film sano sansari. its gr8 and seemed to be very confident for her carrier in future. and new generation wants that kinds of film. but recently we know tehre is a pron movie but im still not sure either Namrita or somebody els. who know? it could be happend for her carrier.There are lots of people dont want to see others to be a top.
    However if its true. she cant tolarate about it. it should not have reliesed and who did it? as i understand The boy(*****) wife took it to maitti Nepal and they want to give her ponishment doing this kind of. In my view that guy should have given ponishment too. And she seemed to be drunk at all. ok thank you very much

  13. I can only thank Namrata for this fabulous video. me and My wife had not done it for a long time, But after watching this vide we did it 3 times in a row. Thank you again.

  14. I’m so sad becoz of namrata’s sex scandal.maile kahilyai pani bishwas gareko thiyena ki namrako yesto kriyakalap ko video propoganda hunchha bhanera.namrata g le yo jun sexscandal outspread hunu bhanda agadi kantipurko ‘glamarous gaff’ ma mero ta kohi pani beloved chhainan bhanne jasta kura gareki thieen.but ahile kasari yesto life ma daag lagne kura bahira aayo?yesko matlab namratako sexma kunai interest chhaina bhanna khojeko hoina,sex manisko interrelated elememt ho,yo malai thaha chha but also gopya kuraa gopya nai rakhnu parchha ni.and dj tantrik le kina arkaako life barbaad gareko??????so namrata u le manab jivanmai navaeko kunai kaam gareko hoina so be positive.aafulai samhaala hai…..Iam your great fan

  15. Namrata le garin ramrai garina tyo usko bektigat kura ho tyo net ma halne chai bebukuf ho sale afu chans ma dance garne ani badnam pani garne teslai thik parnu pare ho sex ta sabailai chaihincha ni yaha derai coment pade katile ramro bhane katile naramro bhane tyo naramro bhane madhe pani derai jane chansa paya bhane thini haru panike kam………. je hos tyo video cha bhane malai pani herna man lageko hca yeso link garde hunthyow

  16. hey aal guys dats not fair yar…
    mula haru aal d guys does such activities coz itz a natural n god gifted..but why sould we blame only namrata,. isn’t der a fault of dat boka tantrik. but the guy who had flashed this vedio, it’s a moral terpitude n great crime . s/he must b punished nakedly in public by corra n salt.

  17. Tof] s]6fnfO{ d’nf sf6] em} sf6g’ k5{ ;fn] cfkm’n] dhf u/]sf] s’/f leof]hnfO{ ug]{ xf] . a]s’km ;fn] kfun csf]{sf] lhGbuLdf cfuf] nufpg vf]H5; . ;]S; dflg;sf] ;a}eGbf glhssf] s’/f xf] . love ;]S; af6 g} z’?x’G5 . of] ;j}n] u5{ / ug{ kfpg’k5{ . t/ uf]Ko ==== o;/L ;fj{hlgs ug{ ldNb}g ==== ;j}n] u/]sf5g ==== s]sfg} cfkm’n] dfq u/]em} b]zel/ xËufdf dRrfpg’ t /fd|] ePg… .. ;]S; hfoh xf] / gd|tf lgbf]{z xf]. lgbf]z == pgsf] ;’Gb/ eljiodfly cf}nf p7fpg’ a]js’kmL xf]… cfkm’ klg To;af6 c5’tf] 5}g\ ePklg uf]klgotfnfO{ Wofg lbcf}+ x}

    bata convert garda yesto dekhinchha.

    त्यो केटालाई म’ला काटे झै काट्न’ पर्छ साले आफ’ले मजा गरेको क’रा भियोजलाई गर्ने हो । बेक’फ साले पागल अर्कोको जिन्दगीमा आगो लगाउन खोज्छस् । सेक्स मानिसको सबैभन्दा नजिकको क’रा हो । love सेक्स बाट नै श’रुह’न्छ । यो सवैले गर्छ र गर्न पाउन’पर्छ । तर गोप्य …. यसरी सार्वजनिक गर्न मिल्दैन …. सवैले गरेकाछन् …. केकानै आफ’ले मात्र गरेझै देशभरि हङ्गगामा मच्चाउन’ त राम्रे भएन‘ ।। सेक्स जायज हो र नम्रता निर्दोश हो। निदोश .. उनको स’न्दर भविष्यमाथि औला उठाउन’ बेवक’फी हो‘ आफ’ पनि त्यसबाट अछ′तो छैन्् भएपनि गोपनियतालाई ध्यान दिऔं है

  18. cmon dudes…grow up….its the high time….anoushka shankar ko kura haruu do u pple know..she was also threatened by someone of showing her private pictures instead took refuge of indian media..which eventually helped her to sue tht threatner….we should atleast learn from this episode…Namrata be bold..we are with u..but one thng tht she should have maintained her sex life….

  19. not ko laagi ta yati garnai paryo ni.keti ko haru jindagi yastai ho.jaile pani tala parnai parne.tar thik chh.yastai ho jindagi.

  20. हामी नेपाली हरु पनि वेस्टर्न मान्छे हरु भन्दा के कम भने कुरा नम्रता श्रेष्ठ को भिडियो टेप हेरेर थाहा भयो/ हुन त आफ्नो आफ्नो पर्सनल कुरा हो/ उ पनि यो संसार को एउटा प्राणी नै हो उसलाई पनि धेरै कुरा हरु को आबसेक छ जस्तो कि सेक्स को कुरा नै/ उ एउटा मिडिया मा लागेको मान्छे हो उसले सेक्स गर्नु हुदैन भन्ने कुरा होइन, उसले चाहे सेक्स गरोस चाहे जे सुकै गरोस उसले गर्न पौने व्यक्तिगत कुरा उसै मा नै छ तर कुरा रह्यो उसको यो मामला मेडिया मा आयो र सबै ले थाहा पायो/
    तेसैले साथि हरु उसलाई जे गर्न मन लग्यो सो गर्यो तपाई हरु उसको पछाडी लगेर नाना थरि को कुरा गरेर आफ्नो टाउको न दुखाउनुस सक्नु हुन्छ भने तपाई हरुको खुबी छ भने तपाई हरु पनि उ संग मोज्ज गर्ने कोसिस गर्नु होइन भने चुप्प लगेर बस्नुस/

  21. नम्रता श्रेष्ठ ले जे गरिन त्यो एक्दमन ठिक गरिन, किन कि सेक्स भन्ने कुरा आफ्नो आफ्नो व्यक्तिगत कुरा हुन् आफुलाई जे गर्न मान्न लाग्छा त्यो गर्ने अधिकार आफैमा हुन्छा तेसकारण नम्रता श्रेष्ठ ले को व्यक्तिगत कुरा को मामला ma नेपाली हरु पछी पर्नु र उसको बारेमा नानाथरी को कुराहरु गर्नु उचित लागेन मलाई/ सेक्स भन्ने कुरा सबै जनालाई आवसेक पर्ने कुरा हो कुरा पुब्लिसिती नहुनु भन्ने कुरा अलग हो / यो संसार का सबै प्राणी हरु मा सेक्स को aabasekta पर्छ त्यो चाही सन्तान जन्मौना को लागि होस् वा मोज मस्ती को लागि हो जो सबै ले गरिराखेको कुरा पनि हो तर कारण बस नम्रता श्रेष्ठ को मामला मा मिडिया मा आयो र सबै ले थाहा पायो. भित्र को कुरा हेर्ने हो भने नम्रता श्रेष्ठ मात्र होइन संसार का सबै आम मानिस र कुनै पनि सेलिब्रिटी हरु पनि यो मामला बाट टाढा रहेर बस्न नै सक्दिन जस्तो कि तिमि पनि, के तिमि सेक्स बिना रहन सक्छौ?

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