Namrata Shrestha to be featured in an item dance in Adhakatti

In the debut movie of journalist Subrat Acharya as a director – ‘Adhakatti’, an item dance is made on the name of actress Namrata Shrestha. Subrat approached Namrata to dance on the song, ‘Kya Kamal, Babal Chau Namrata …’ and she agreed.

namrata shrestha

This will be the first time Namarata will dance in any item dance. In the movie, Namrata will appear in a character of a film actress. The lyrics written by Ranjit Acharya has music of Rajan Ishan. The voices are given by Yuvraj Chaulagai, Nisha Desar and Rajan Ishan.

The movie being produced by Pradeep Kumar Uday is going to feature actors like Dayahang Rai, Ashishma Nakarmi, Rista Basnet, Gaurav Pahadi, Pradeep Bastola and others. The film team hasn’t been complete yet and there is a possibility of change in team members over time.

adhakatti -team

In another news, Ashishma is also doing ‘Figure Coca cola…’, another item number in the movie. The item dance is composed by Basanta Sapkota on the lyrics of Kiran Michael and voices of Prahlad Timilsina and Jenisha Poudel. 

shooting location hunt - adhakatti team