Nepali Movie – Naam Ke Ho

naam ke hoNepali Movie – Naam Ke Ho
StarringBiren Shrestha, Sajja Mainali, Santosh Gurung, Mohan Niraula, Laba Sharma, Bhuwan Chand, Gopal Bhutani, Laba Sharma etc.
Director – JB Rai

Full movie in a single part:

Nam K Ho ? (Nepali Movie)

Credit – Sai Ram Pictures

About ‘Naam Ke Ho’

A presentation of Mountain Cinema, ‘Naam Ke Ho’ is produced by the director JB Rai in 2001. The screenplay of the movie is written jointly by Om Pratik and JB Rai. The assistant director is Sujan Goley Lama. The cinematographer is Narayan Mainali, action by Ram / Janak, choreographer is Subash Budhathoki, music by Paras Mukarun, editing by Tara Thapa.

The movie is about the story of an army.

‘Naam Ke Ho’ Star Cast

The lead actor of the movie is Biren Shrestha. The actress, Sajja Mainali is the daughter of Gopal Raj Mainali. Sajja is currently living in the USA. There isn’t much information about the actress these days. The first actress in Nepali film industry, Bhuwan Chand (Bhuwan Thapa) is also featured in the movie. Late fight director Gopal Bhutani and well known film personality Mohan Niraula are other well known figures in the movie.

The director JB Rai has also stopped making new movies these days.

Cover art of ‘Naam Ke Ho’

naam ke ho jb rai movie

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