One more film award, are you interested, excited?

INAS Award nominations were announced on November 5, 2016. Right after the announcement, the organization’s Nepal Chapter members were not happy. That is not all, I think, nobody is interested or excited about  yet another award. Although many accuse omission of some of the best movies, the the nominations are expected. The winners will most probably be the same one that had already won different awards for the same movie, same artists and category. I am sure, many winners won’t go to receive the award.

UPDATE: Infographics showing how all the awards are repeating the same artists and films (click for bigger image):


INAS Award controversy started right after the nomination

(Read – Summary of 4th INAS Award Nomination)

Some of the members of INAS (International Nepalese Artists Society) have expressed their dissatisfaction over the nomination on the award. When two successful movies ‘Woda Number 6’ and ‘Prem Geet’ were not nominated in any categories, some of the members accused that the jury had made decision without even watching the movie.

Listen to what Raj Kumar Rai told in NFDC Award:

There is a huge problem in film awards in Nepal. Some of the problems I have seen are:

  • Nothing new – Every award have same category and same selection criteria. Best movie, best actors, best technicians etc.
  • Award is boring – So far, 5 movie awards were held. In all those awards Namrata Shrestha was awarded the Best Actress Award – all five times. Most of them had selected ‘Classic’ as the best movie and so on. Awarding same movie or artist again again for the same role of movie is boring.
  • Winners are not interested – In the last award (NFDC film award) most of the award winners didn’t show up. The FDB chair Rajkumar Rai was shocked. He told that the organizers should make a mandatory provision for the winners to be in the program. That is not all, there was lack of excitement among the winners.
  • Unfair Awards – Film makers and film artist have always cried foul when they were not awarded. But, it is not only the losers, most of the awards are clearly biased.
  • Public is not interested – Actually, except the organizers, nobody else is interested or excited about another Film Award.

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