Rajesh Hamal confirms the marriage to be held in weeks

Actor has finally confirmed the date of his marriage (as he promised). After a long affair with model Madhu Bhattarai of Dharan, Hamal has finalized the date after numerous delays.

rajesh hamal and madhu bhattarai

Hamal is planning to propose Madhu on May 14, 2014 in a candle light dinner. Madhu will accept his proposal. After the acceptance, Hamal will present Madhu with a special present from his mother and the details of the marriage ceremony will be finalized.

The marriage itself will only be a small formality held by the end of May. For the marriage ceremony, sisters of Rajesh Hamal have started arriving in Nepal from the USA. One of his sisters lives in Nepal.

Until he met Madhu Bhattarai, Hamal was against marriage. He was planning to live alone for his life. But, after meeting Madhu, he realized that she was his soul-mate. Although being a biggest celebrity in Nepal, he had been successful in keeping his affair private. Even after the identity of Madhu was revealed in media, Hamal and Madhu weren’t seen together.


Rajesh Hamal confirms the marriage to be held in Jestha

History of affair with Madhu Bhattarai

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