Shri Krishna Shrestha – Nepali actor, producer

SAD news – Shree Krishna Shrestha died on August 9, 2014 in Apolo Hospital, Delhi, India because of pneumonia. Shree’s last movie ‘Kohinoor’ was released a day before on August 8. He had a long affair with the actress Sweta Khadka and got married a month before the death. Shree and Sweta were told to be in a honeymoon tour to India where he died.

Shree debuted in Nepali film industry in ‘Bhumari’ in 2045 BS as a short role as a college boy. He was a friend of the lead actor in ‘Kasam’, a villain in ‘Pukar’ before debuting in lead role. In 2049 he worked in lead role in Chhabi Raj Ojha production movie ‘Nata’.

Films of Shree Krishna available in xnepali:
Nepali Movie – Kohinoor (Shree Krishna, Shweta Khadka)
Nepali Movie – Chunauti (Only description )
Nepali Movie – A Mero Hajur
Nepali Movie – Gorkhali
Nepali Movie – Sita
Nepali Movie – Nirmaya
Nepali Movie – Sukha Dukha
Documentary – Samjhanama Shree Krishna
Nepali Movie – Jeet
Nepali Movie – Ram Balaram
Nepali Movie – Hamro Maya Juni Juni Lai
Nepali Movie – Soon Chandi
Nepali Movie – Afno Ghar Afnai Manche
Nepali Movie – Dharti
Nepali Movie – Beimani
Nepali Movie – Yestai Hunchha Pirati
Nepali Movie – Dulaha Raja Dulahi Rani
Nepali Movie – Unko Samjhanama
Nepali Movie – Pocketmar
Nepali Movie – Prem Yuddha
Nepali Movie – Nata Ragatko
Nepali Movie – Shreeman Shreemati
Nepali Movie – Jali Rumal
Nepali Movie – Guru Chela (1997)
Nepali Movie – Garib
Nepali Movie – Nata
Nepali Movie- Laxmi Puja
Nepali Movie – Bharosa
Nepali Movie – Jeevan Rekha
Nepali Movie – Bar Pipal
Nepali Movie – Afanta
Nepali Movie – Aafno Manche
Nepali Movie – Daiba

Original article continues:

sri krishna shrestha Sri Krishna Shrestha has established himself as a successful actor with more than 100 movies as an actor. In recent years when acting offers were reduced, Sri Krishna decided to test his hand on producing movies.

His first home production movie ‘Kaha Bhetiyala’ (2009) proved to be successful and helped him to establish himself as a successful producer.

In is career, Sri Krishna has given many hit movies like Afanta, Afno Manchhe, Eh Mero Hajur, Hami Tin Bhai etc. Most of his movies are directed by a successful director Shiva Regmi. The only movies directed by Shiva Regmi without Shri Krishna were Manish, Upahar and Ek Phera Hansi Deuna.

Shri Krishna is unmarried till date but he is rumored to be in love with Sweta Khadka, the lead actress of his movie Kaha Bhetiyala, and that they are planning to get married soon. Sweta Khadka debuted her acting career in Shri Krishna’s first movie as a new face.

Death news:
Shree Krishna Shrestha leaves the world after one month of marriage

Marriage video:

Kohinoor release news:

Some of his movies posted in the blog are:

29 thoughts on “Shri Krishna Shrestha – Nepali actor, producer

  1. In Nepali cinema I like Rajesh Hamal and you, of course which film you have given thats all nice n entertaining. I wish u for more success as before n hope, u will produce more entertaining n educational film in future.

  2. we have written several kind of movie scripts such as:
    1. Action movies
    2. Thriller movies
    3. Romantic and Comedy movies
    4. Horror movies and other many more so we would kindly like to get your response as soon as possible if you are interested?
    thank you
    Laxman Prajapati

  3. Pingback: Nepali movie – Bharosha | Nepali Movies, Entertainment
  4. tapai ko kaha bheteyela sharai ramro lagyo, from every parts, fight, acting, location and mostly the well as songs.
    aarko ku nai naya film banaudai hunuhuncha ki?

  5. Namaste hajur,
    malai tapai ka sabai film haru sarai nai man parcha and I love them all.
    tapai ko acting ramro cha tara yo bhanda badhi ramro banauna tapai le aafno acting lai aajai nikharnu parch, (like acting testo hos jaha kunai khot lagaune thau naho, like reality.)
    and u have to improve your words more better.

  6. I like Actor shree krishna shrestha. Because he is simple, energetic and responsible of his acting area and sweet and politeness of his spech speak. So i want met him. How i meet him? Plz help me my cont. No.98460523490from syangja sent me his number?

  7. namaste ! maan ma maya aakha ma sapana raw dimark ma naya shoch leyea raw hinda hindai paitala ko chala gai sako tara himat chai cha bach pan dekhi eou tai sapana film director banne, aa ja samma pura bha chaina
    kun bato jao kaha bisao tha ha nai chaina sayad kunai din hola .
    namaskar 6 dhai

  8. shree dai malai tapaile avinya gareko movie haru akdam manparchha ra ma tapaiko sabai movie haru herchhu pani tar hal ma nepal ma hoin ma ahile USA ma chhu tesaile ahileko new movie kaha bhetiyela movie hern lai kegarne hola yo movie pani hern payako bhaya hunthiyo !
    ani arko kura jab dekhi tapai yo film linema aaunu bhyo tiyo bela dekhi nai ma tapailai akdam manparuthe jab tapai birami hunu bhayo ma dherainai roya ra malai sathi harule pani jiskauthiyo timi ta shree ko namama marchhuki ke ho royar bhane tar ke garne lekheko matrr painchha re dekher paidain bhanchhana tar maile tapai sanga bhetne kosisha greko ta ho sathi haruharule timi bhanda ramrri ramrri keti haru usko sathama hunchha timijasto sadherarn keti lai ke herchha bhaner gali garthiyo tesaile bhetne aat garin maile ma pani kathamandu ko nai ho taipani bhetne mauka payan
    ma tapailai akdam maya garchhu ra manparuchhu tesaile ma bhagban sanga jahile pani tapaiko jiban ma kahile pani dhukha haru naaos ra aba kunai pani rog haru nalagosha ra shandhai bhari tapaiko jibanama khusi nai khusile bhariyosa bhnera ma prrathana garhu !
    shree dai adi yo messeg padher narisaunu hola yota mero manko kura matrr tapai samu pokheki huun !
    bye ………………………

  9. श्री. श्री कृष्ण सर नमस्कार,
    मैले हेरे को धेरै जस्तो फिल्म माँ हजूर को एक्टिंग सबै भन्दा बेग्लै देखे को छू र हाल माँ हजूर ले नै बनायेको फिल्म कहाँ भेटिएला झनै राम्रो थियो,सर मैले हजूर संघ भेटने धेरै कोशिश गरे तर हजूर को कोन्टेक्ट नम्बर पौन सकीना ,किना भने कहाँ भेटिएला हेरे पछि मैले पनी हजूर लाई कास्ट गरेर एउटा नेपाली फिल्म को कथा लेखेको छू र कथा को नाम हो {बहाना}मैले सोचे को थिए येदी हजूर लाई भेटे माँ यो कथा हजुर्ला सुनाऊ तर किस्मत ले साथ दिएना सर येदी हजूर ले मेरो यो कोम्मेन्ट पढ्नु भो भने एक पटक माँ संघ अबस्ये संपर्क गर्नु होला हजूर को फेन , प्रकाश खत्री {भारत} मोबाइल :+91-9033163380,इ-मेल

  10. Plz shree mama k ho ani hamro muma lai kina parai thanu bhako. Eak choti bhahay pani hajur lay call garnu haray. Bharu thapai lai sapaty lanu bhahay ko paisa dinu pardaina ray la. Mama hajur baa byeeeee.

  11. श्री कृष्णा श्रेष्ठ दाजुलाई सर्व प्रथम नमस्कार छ. हजुर को अच्टिंग धेरै राम्रो छ अनि हजुर को सभई भन्दा राम्रो फिल्म ऐ मेरो हजुर lagako छ. हजुरले धेरै राम्रो काम गर्नु भैयो. मेरो जीवन मा अब तक संग को बेस्ट फिल्म भन्नाले ऐ मेरो हजुर फिल्म . एंड बेस्ट एक्टर इन् मेरो जिन्दगी मा हजुर तपाई हनुहुन्छ श्री कृष्णजी दाजु. श्री कृष्णा दाजु हजुर संग एवता विनंती छ कि ऐ मेरो हजुर को लास्ट पार्ट पठाई दिनु होला भनेरह हजुर संग प्रार्थना छ . म धेरै व्याकुल छु लास्ट पार्ट हेर्नु को लागि. manma लागो कुरालाई hajurlai avashya पुरा गर्नु होला एही आशा गर्छु

  12. hello shri krshna dai ian glad to heard that u r going to marriaged ok hve one day good family and hppy family. now new years is comming we all are give congrulation, be good actor and trto mae education movies. lasly i want ot say that i want t see ur movi( Kaha Bhetiyala) ok name is tulash bastola form U S A ad my mail id is (lovey.gurash) ok byeeeeeeeeee

  13. हेल्लो दाजु के छ दाजु नेपाली फिल्म निरमाया सेन्ट गर्नु ल म बालकृष्ण गैरे अर्घाखाँची हाल उ.ए.इ अबु धबी ओके धन्बाद

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