Sudarshan Thapa and Pooja Sharma announce two new movies Premgeet and Meera

Actor, producer and director Sudarshan Thapa has announced the production of two new Nepali movies in association with his partner Santosh Sen in a press meet organized in Kathmandu on April 2, 2015. The movie titled ‘Premgeet’ is a romantic love story movie featuring actress Pooja Sharma in leading role. Another movie titled ‘Meera’ will feature a new face in the leading role.

chankhe pankhe sankhe trailer release

‘Chankeh Sankhe Pankhe’ trailer release

The announcement was made at the event organized to release the trailer of upcoming movie ‘Chankeh Sankhe Pankhe’. The artists of the film, Nepali film industry personalities and journalists were invited in the event. The shooting of the new movies will start after two months of the release of ‘Chankeh Sankhe Pankhe’. The movie is releasing on Jestha 1 (May 15, 2015).

Watch the trailer:


To be produced jointly by Santosh Sen and Sudarshan Thapa, ‘Premgeet’ is made on the script of Ramsharan Pathak, cinematography of Rajesh Shrestha, choreography of Renasha Rai, lyrics of Krishnahari Baral, and music of Arjun Pokharel. The movie will go to floor in Bhadra (August / September).

The movie will be shot in Mustang, Pokhara and Kathmandu. In the program, Sudarshan told that he had always wanted to make a movie like ‘Premgeet’.


A female oriented movie ‘Meera’ is being produced by actress Pooja Sharma with Santosh Sen. Sudarshan Thapa is the executive producer of the movie. The movie to be directed by well known editor, Surendra Poudel. After directing ‘Aavash’, ‘Meera’ will be the second movie of Surendra.

‘Meera’ is scheduled to go on floor in November / December (Mangsir, 2072). Although being the producer, Pooja is not likely to lead in the action love story movie. A new actress is expected to be featured in the role of Meera. The movie is scheduled to be shot in locations in Nepalgunj, Pokhara, Dang, Kathmandu and Thailand.

Affair between Pooja and Sudarshan

There have been rumors of love affair between actress Pooja Sharma and Sudarsha Gautam. Nether Pooja nor Sudarshan admit any truth in the rumor. In the event, Pooja told, “If somebody appreciates me, I would certainly accept it with gratitude.”

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