Bhuwan KC biography delayed

The biography of the superstar and playboy of Nepali film industry, Bhuwan KC, was told to be releasing on Chaitra 22. The day is the birthday of his mother. But, the book has been delayed because Bhuwan hasn’t been able to review it before the publication. The book was announced in an event organized in January. The publisher, had paid Bhuwan Rs. 235,000 for the permission to write the biography.

bhuwan kc pose

According to Kamal Dhakal of Ghost writing Nepal, Bhuwan is currently busy in the shooting of a movie and he hasn’t found time to review the final draft of the book. The delay expected to be as much as a month.

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Classic to feature Namrata Shrestha and Aryan Sigdel, song recording started

The producers of ‘Novmeber Rain’ are starting the making of the next project titled ‘Classic’. The song recording of the movie featuring Namrata Shrestha and Aryan Sigdel in leading role and Wilson Bikram Rai in supporting role, has started on March 31 in Cinezone Studio, Kathmandu.

The movie features the music of Taraprakash Limbu and is being made on the direction of Dinesh Raut. On the first day of song recording singers Yubaraj Chaulagain and Melina Rai gave voice to the song. In the event cinematographer Rajesh Shrestha and producers Subash Giri and Kamal Giri were also present.

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Sudarshan Thapa and Pooja Sharma announce two new movies Premgeet and Meera

Actor, producer and director Sudarshan Thapa has announced the production of two new Nepali movies in association with his partner Santosh Sen in a press meet organized in Kathmandu on April 2, 2015. The movie titled ‘Premgeet’ is a romantic love story movie featuring actress Pooja Sharma in leading role. Another movie titled ‘Meera’ will feature a new face in the leading role.

‘Chankeh Sankhe Pankhe’ trailer release

The announcement was made at the event organized to release the trailer of upcoming movie ‘Chankeh Sankhe Pankhe’. The artists of the film, Nepali film industry personalities and journalists were invited in the event. The shooting of the new movies will start after two months of the release of ‘Chankeh Sankhe Pankhe’. The movie is releasing on Jestha 1 (May 15, 2015).

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Friday Release, Tanab

This week only one movie ‘Tanab’ is releasing in theater on April 3, 2015. It is a relief at the time when three or more movies are being released every week. Previously another movie ‘Paap’ was also scheduled to release on the same date. But, the movie is now delayed for a few weeks.

A movie directed by Rishi Neupane, ‘Tanab’ is made on a real incident. The movie features Nirmal Century with actresses Ragini Khadgi and Ani Kunwar. The actor Century is featured as a lover boy and action actor.

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