A bicycle rally on Nepal Sambat New Year

A bicycle rally is being organized in Kathmandu to mark the 1133 Newari New Year on November 14, 2012 (Kartik 29). The bicycle rally named "Cycle Utsav Nepal Sambat 1133" starts at Basantapur, Kathmandu and ends at Bhaktapur Durbarsquare while passing Patan Durbarsquare on it’s way.


The event organized by World Cyclist Foundation Nepal on the leadership of World Cyclist/Mt. Everest summiteer Pushkar Shah.

The rally is organized to celebrate happiness, peace and help in saving the world heritage sites in the the occasion of Ne
pal Sambat 1133 new year. The event is expected to be useful in create awareness in the conservation of world heritage sites in Nepal by developing bicycling culture.

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Deepa Gurung awarded Sunny Girl Crown

Deepa Gurung has won the crown of Sunny Girl Teej Contest, organized by Siddha Pokhari  Beauty Parlor Training Center in Bhaktapur.

The beauty contest organized in the occasion of Teej had 32 participants who participated fully draped. All the contestants were in traditional Nepali dress Saree, cholo or blouse. The contest tried to differ from other contests in which short and sexy dresses are worn by the contestants.

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Tallest Shiva Statue unveiled in Bhaktapur

The tallest Shiva statue in the world, constructed on the financial support of Kamal Jain, is complete and is open for worshiping. The statue is constructed at Chhitpol-5, Kailaskut hill in Bhaktapur.

During the unveiling, a helicopter of Fishtail Air was throwing flowers on the statue from above.

The construction took 6 years and involved 100 Nepali and skilled labors from India. The construction of foundation alone took two years. To protect the statue from natural factors like sun, wind, and rain, it is coated with zinc. It is further coated with copper on top of zinc coating. According to Kamal Jain, the outer cover of the statue contain 6000 kgs of zinc and copper.

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