Five types of Nepali movies (with links to example movies)

A friend in Twitter, Rakesh, has categorized the Nepali movies in four different  types. Although the categorization is done very loosely and the boundary of this categorization is extremely blurry, such a categorization can give a rough guide on what a particular movie is like. I think, there is room for improvement in this categorization so that one can easily decide on whether to watch the movie or not. There is a possibility that some movies might fall in more than one category. Let’s review each category in detail with examples.

  1. Masala Nepali movies
  2. New Age Nepali movies
  3. Nepali movies for youth
  4. B and C Grade Nepali movies
  5. Historical and Art Nepali movies

5 types of Nepali movies

Video presentation:
५ प्रकारका नेपाली फिल्महरु । 5 Types of Nepali movies

Masala Nepali movies

Masala Nepali movies contain all the different entertaining aspects of movies. They are the mix of comedy, family drama, action, music and love all stuffed in a movie to appeal all types of viewers. They might contain all these ingredients (masala) or some of them. These types of movies are less risky and hence, the established film producers prefer to go with these type of movies.

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Nepali Movie – Khagras

khagrasNepali Movie – Khagras
Starring – Samyog Pokhrel, Sony KC, Dinesh Sharma, Anil Pokhrel, Madhav Acharya etc
Director – Sailesh Acharya

The movie ‘Khagrass’ is based on the true story in Gorkha during Maoist insurgency. The movie is a presentation of Austin Nepalese Association. The movie made to ‘reveal the criminal face of the Nepali politics’ is written jointly by Biplav Pratik and Nayan R Pandey. The movie was screened in various cities in the USA before the Censor Board in Nepal could approve it for release in Nepal. ‘Khagras’ was also nominated for best dialogue in NEFTA awards, 2014.The movie is made on the story of the killing of a school teacher by Maoist in Gorkha. The movie was released in theatre on May 17, 2013 with three other Nepali movies – ‘Use’, ‘Antaral’ and ‘Maya Diu Jhai Bho’ (watch ‘Use’ here and watch ‘Maya Diu Jhai Bho’ here).

Full movie in three parts:
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