Erika and the King – Democracy of 2007 and King Tribhuvan (YouTube series)

I am starting a series of talk about the 2007 (2050-51) democratic movement led by the King Tribhuvan. It was an unique movement that was led by the ruler himself.

A foreigner woman was at the palace at that time. Erika Leuchtag had seen Tribhuvan’s involvement in the protest against the rulers. She had written a book on her stay in the royal palace and her acquaints with the King. I am presenting the information given in the book as a weekly series. The series is retelling of the information Erika had told in the book in Nepali language. It is not a translation so, I will be omitting the things that aren’t of value to my viewers.

The first part of the series will premier at Friday – November 9, 2018 – 12:00 AM ET. The first part is how Erika got the invitation and what was the response of her mother and her friends about going to Nepal.

After I recorded the first part, I came to know that Erika was a physiotherapist. I will give this detail in the second part. I haven’t done second part or any other parts yet. I am writing the script as I read through the book.

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4 sons of King Mahendra from 3 wives, Birendra, Rabindra, Gyanendra & Dhirendra

A noted linguistic and writer, Dr. Taranath Sharma has told that the mother of King Birendra and ex-King Gyanendra was different. Birendra’s mother was then-crown princess Indra Rajyalaxmi Shah. According to the historical documents, the princess gave birth to six children – three sons and three daughters.

Indra Rajyalaxmi died in a mysterious circumstances on September 4, 1950. According to the official website of the first maternity hospital, Prasuti Griha, the princess had died because of the complications caused by the birth of her last child, Dhirendra Shah. But, Dhirendra was born on January 14, 1950.
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Friday Release – Love Sasha, King and Shabda released on Thursday

Three new movies have broken the tradition of releasing the new movies on Friday and released on Thursday. The movies released on January 12, 2016 include Keki Adhikari’s movie ‘Love Sasha’, Nikhil Upreti’s movie ‘King’ and Saugat Malla’s movie ‘Shabda’. All three movies are widely expected movies by the Nepali movie fans.

Love Sasha

A love story movie featuring actress Keki Adhikari, Ashif Shah and Karma Shakya is directed by Prachanda Man Shrestha. At the premier held on Tuesday, the movie had received positive feedback from the viewers. The movie is told to be a feel good and smooth love story.

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