Priyanka Karki, Rekha Thapa, Deepa Shree etc. on Shiva Ratri and Ganja (Marijuana)

The festival of Shiva Ratri is synonyms with Bhang, dhaturo and Ganja (Marijuana or Cannabis). Although the use of ganja is prohibited in other times, it is usually free during the time of shiva ratri. In the festival, youths and older people go to Pashupati area to smoke ganja.

Shiva Ratri for different age group

  • Children and youths – they ask for alm on road by blocking the road and asking for money. The collected money is usually used to purchase wood for the fire used in the night.
  • Married women fast and worship lord Shiva for the longevity of their husbands.
  • Unmarried women also fast and worship Shiva and ask for the husband like him.
  • Older males – worship shiva and enjoy the festival by drinking juices and laddu containing bhang and smoking ganja.

Fasting for their husband and future husband is a tradition in declining trend. I believe, that is the remains of the male dominated society.  Continue reading

Documentary – Kailash Parbat ra Mansarobar Taal ko yatra

Himali Creations presents
Documentary – Kailash Parbat ra Mansarobar Taal ko yatra

This documentary is about a religious tourism. Lord Shiva, the Hindu god – destroyer of ignorance and illusion is believed to reside at the summit of a legendary mountain named Kailāsa. Shiva is believed to be sitting in a state of perpetual meditation along with his wife PārvatÄ«.

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Shiva Linga – why worship the Shiva phallus?

It really has not been that long, when I came to know, we Hindu worship a Shiva’s Linga (Shiva Lingam); Lord Shiva in the form of a phallus (penis). But, this knowledge made my skin crawl shiver in sheer disgust.

One of my friends, who is devoted to Shiva, tried to make me understand her side of story, a good side to that story. But I was so disgusted; my mind refused to understand the good-good things she was telling me. My mind simply rejected to hear her version of the worship culture. I am a Hindu by birth but, I have lost the respect for the religion due to absurd things like worshiping the Shiva Linga. Going temple every morning to worship somebody’s phallus (who cares even if belongs to a god) is just too much in the name of Dharma. Give me a break. I am not that type.
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