Friday Relase – Loot 2 (record breaking first day collection)

One of the highly awaited movie of the current time, ‘Loot 2’ was released in theatre on February 24, 2017. The first day shows of the movie was packed and houseful in most of the theatres.

The sequel of the 2012 release movie ‘Loot’, continues the story of the characters of the original movie. Set in Kathmandu, the movie shows the typical lifestyle in the capital city. The theatres in Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan, Dharan, Hetauda, Butwal also saw houseful business. In addition to the hype and publicity, the viewers have also liked the movie and the mouth publicity has also kicked in. But one of the journalists, Krishna Dhungana has told that he didn’t like the movie and asked the director the ticket price Rs. 330 back.

The main character of the movie, Haku Kale, is Saugat Malla. Dayahang Rai is featured as Gofle and the actress is Reecha Sharma.

The legacy of ‘Loot’

Watch ‘Loot’ here. I think, ‘Loot’ is one of the 10 movies of modern time, everybody should watch.
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Shiva Linga – why worship the Shiva phallus? (Part 2)

Six years ago, Sunita Giri wrote the first part of this discussion. On the occasion of Shiva Ratri, I would like to discuss further to the issue.

Read Shiva Linga – why worship the Shiva phallus?

Summary of Part 1

Sunita was disgusted and surprised to know that the Shiva Linga worshiped as the Lord Shiva is in fact a phallus (penis). Although born Hindu, she lost the respect for the religion due to that fact that people worship somebody’s phallus (even if belongs to a God).

Sunita talked about how Shiva’s linga fell on earth and how Parvati took the form of a Yoni to calm it down by embracing it in her Yoni. Although religion pundits believe the symbol of Shiva’s ling inside Parvati’s yoni is a symbol of creation, Sunita thought it was a vulgar image. Then Sunita talked about Unmatta Bhirav’ – the fully aroused god.

Sunita admitted that she doesn’t go to temples because there are dirt everywhere. She is not keen on walking bare feet inside the temple over the dirt. She talked about the sculptures on the temples showing gods in various sexual positions and questioned their relevance. She suspected they were a form of advertisement so that people frequent their visits to temples.

Discussion on Why we Worship Shiva Linga

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Priyanka Karki, Rekha Thapa, Deepa Shree etc. on Shiva Ratri and Ganja (Marijuana)

The festival of Shiva Ratri is synonyms with Bhang, dhaturo and Ganja (Marijuana or Cannabis). Although the use of ganja is prohibited in other times, it is usually free during the time of shiva ratri. In the festival, youths and older people go to Pashupati area to smoke ganja.

Shiva Ratri for different age group

  • Children and youths – they ask for alm on road by blocking the road and asking for money. The collected money is usually used to purchase wood for the fire used in the night.
  • Married women fast and worship lord Shiva for the longevity of their husbands.
  • Unmarried women also fast and worship Shiva and ask for the husband like him.
  • Older males – worship shiva and enjoy the festival by drinking juices and laddu containing bhang and smoking ganja.

Fasting for their husband and future husband is a tradition in declining trend. I believe, that is the remains of the male dominated society.  Continue reading