82-year-old to conquer Mt. Everest; good luck Shailendra K Upadhyaya

It was 2years ago, I wrote about the former Foreign Minister, Shailendra Kumar Upadhyay, who announced about his intention to scale Mt. Everest.

Shailendra climbed a 6,160m high Island peak and 6,467m tall Mera Peak successfully in the last few years as a preparation of his ultimate feat to climb Mt. Everest.

Shailendra Kumar Upadhyaya, served as the foreign minister and permanent UN representative in the 1970s and 1980s.

The diplomat grandfather says:

I am confident of my success as I believe that the most important part of success of any mission is confidence in oneself, selfless c
ommitment to serve humanity and, of course,will to achieve success.

Upadhyaya is planning to start his ascent from the Everest base camp on April 28, 2011. The expedition is organized by the Senior Citizen Mount Everest Expedition. If Upadhyaya could reach the top, he will dethrone another record holder Nepali senior, Min Bahadur Sherchan who climbed the peak at the age of 76 in 2008. After much struggle, he was finally entered as the oldest climber of Mt. Everest in the Guinness Book of Records in 2010.

Govt asked to investigate Rajesh, Karishma, Dipak and Min over Real juice ad.

A consumer advocate group has asked the government to investigate the involvement of actor Rajesh Hamal, actress Karishma Manandhar, sportsperson Dipak Bista, and businessman Min Bahadur Gurung for appearing in the advertisements of the controversial drink Real Juice.

It was told that Rajesh Hamal received a whooping Rs. 1.2million to be featured in the ad. That is, 3-4 times the amount he receives for acting in a full movie. Others should have received a smaller but considerable sum to act for the ads.

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Yes, he did it! Oldest climber got Guinness certificate

min bahadur shrestha - guinness record certificate Min Bahadur Sherchan, climbed Mt. Everest, the 29,028 feet (8,848-meter) peak, at the age of 76 in 2008. But, the 2009 edition of Guinness Book of World Records had Japanese national Yuichiro Miura as the oldest person to reach the top of the world at 75.

Sherchan did apply for his rightful entry in the record book but getting the honor was as tough as climbing the highest peak itself.

Sherchan first thought of setting a record on mountaineering in 1960. He wanted to be the first to climb Dhaulagiri (8,167m) but another team succeeded in climbing it before he could attempt. After 40 years, in 2002, he decided to be the oldest person to climb Mt. Everest breaking the records set by Japanese mountaineers. He started his trainings at the age of 72 and climbed the peak on May 25, 2008 at the age of 76 years and 350 days (almost 77 years).

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