Censor board responds to media pressure, Dhuwani awarded PG certificate

After the pressure from the media, the Censor Board was forced to change it’s decision on censor certificate to the movie ‘Dhuwani’.  The censor board had objected to a dialogue in the movie citing the dialogue to create problem with the neighboring countries. Now, the Board has allowed the movie to be screened in theaters with PG certificate. The certificate allows children to watch the movie with adults.

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After this incident, it is proved that the Board doesn’t have a clear guideline on censoring movies and they act on personal preferences and intuition. This is not the first time such incident had happened. The movie banned by the Board, ‘ATM‘ was released on July 26 without change after the court found it suitable for the public. With these problems, the Board doesn’t hold any credibility to censor movies.

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Movie Review – Batch No.16

After watching the new movie Batch No.16, I think, it’s director Pitambar Pandey has proven that a successful movie can be made after film related education and proper experience. Film making is different from making a music video or a television serial. Batch No.16 is another flick in which the film crew has shown that, we have the technology required to make good movie and all our movies lack is the concept and a good story.

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