Nepali Movie – Kanchi Nani (Only description )

kanchinaniNepali Movie – Kanchi Nani
Starring – Amar Thapa, Melina Manandhar, Rejina Upreti, Riddhicharan Shrestha, Khem Sharma, Pragya Joshi, Gopal Bhutani, Yogesh Ghimire etc..
Director – Niraj Ghimire

‘Kanchi Nani’ is produced by Niraj Ghimire for Rambha Devi Films. The movie is presented by Jaman Singh Rana. Ganesh Upreti and Rajani Rana are the guest artists in the movie. Child artists are Bibek Rawat and Prativa Ojha. The choreographer is Pappu Pun (with Pradeep Shrestha’s assistance), cinematography by Kumar Bakhati, action by Ram / Janak. Yougesh Ghimire is the chief assistant director, and Anil Gautam is the editor.

kanchi nani nepalimovie

Viewers’ comments

sabitri n bhandari (on January 22, 2010 at 9:47 pm) wrote:

Nepali paribes ma yo movie le sahi chitra utareko rahechha.yeuta garib ko betha ….birami,thorai jagga jamin pani dharauti rakhera upachar garna gayo hospital ma instruments abhab ,ama ko mritu,daya garne ti patra nabhako bhaye k k bhognu parthyo….j hos antye sukhad bhayo….

Bhakta Gurung says: (on September 8, 2009 at 1:40 pm)

aja,pardeshi bayako natale gardha nai hola,tapaiharuko kanchi nani move herda sarai man halka bayar aayo,aba aune dhin haruma derai bhanda derai move herna pause banne kamana rakhdhachha,hal ma u.s.a bhat ho,kina ho kina nepali sathi haru sangha derai kura kani gharna man lagchha,ani dhanya bhat,ramro move sutting garidhinu bayakoma hami pardeshi abari chou sampurna chal chitra carmi sangha.

Nepali Movie – Dharti

dhartiNepali Movie – Dharti
Starring Gauri Malla, Shree Krishna Shrestha, Jal Shah, Shrisha Karki, Bharat Sharma, Riddhicharan Shrestha, Bishnu Sapkota, Sunil Thapa etc.
Director – Raju KC

Two late film artists are involved in ‘Dharti’. The movie features script and dialogue of late Shiva Regmi and late Shree Krishna Shrestha is the main attraction. The story of the movie is written by Sunita Sharma. Sunita has also presented the movie for Lotus Films Pvt. Ltd

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Nepali Movie – Sannani

Nepali Movie – Sannani
StarringSaroj Khanal, Bimala Pokharel, Rajaram Poudel, Riddhicharan Shrestha, Hemanta Budhathoki, Sunil Thapa etc.
DirectorNarayan Puri

‘Sannani’ is a presentation by Deepak Malhotra of The Team Pvt. Ltd. for Devi Ganga Chalchitra Nirman Mandir. The movie made the the story of Bikash Acharya also features actress Tulasa Silwal in a special appearance.

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