The premier show of upcoming movie ‘Gajalu’Â was held in London on May 29, 2016. In the event, actress Shristi Shrestha and the producer Rohit Adhikari were present. Actor Anmol KC and the director Hemraj BC were also scheduled to attend the world premier show, but they didn’t. It is surprising why Anmol KC returned back to Nepal a few days before the premier show. The film maker’s don’t have a palatable answer to the reason Anmol returned back to Nepal.
Watch the video report of the event:
The movie, ‘Gajalu’ is scheduled to release on June 10, 2016. The movie directed by Hemraj BC – the director of two of the previous hit movies of Anmol KC – ‘Hostel’ and ‘Jerryy’ a well known director in the Nepali movie industry. In additition to Shristi and Anmol KC other main actors in the movie are Salon Basnet and Gaurav Pahadi.