Mela, Romeo, Tandro and Sakas – 4 new releases this Friday

On November 10, 2017 four new Nepali movies have released in theatre. It is a very competitive release for some of the highly expected movies in the film industry. All single word named movies – ‘Meela’, ‘Tyandro’, ‘Sakash’ and ‘Romeo’ will sustain a damage because of the competition among each other. In terms of the star cast, none of the movie should be missed. ‘Mela’ has Salon Basnet, Amesh Bhandari and Ashishma Nakarmi; ‘Romeo’ has Oshima Banu, Nisha Adhikari and Melina Manandhar to watch for; ‘Tyandro’ features Dayahang Rai and is directed by Samten Bhutiya; ‘Sakash’ has Sushma Karki and Mahima Silwal with Wilson Bikram Rai.

Please read and watch the details and the trailer of each of the movies before deciding which movie to watch this week:

The details of each of the movie are arranged according to the view count of the trailers in YouTube. When view count are considered to be determining factor, ‘Mela’ leads with more than 8 lakh views followed by ‘Romeo’ approaching 7 lakh and ‘Tyandro’ almost 6.5 lakh.
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3 Juliets of Hassan Raza Khan ‘Romeo’

Hassan Raza Khan has formally announced his upcoming movie ‘Romeo’ in a program held in Kathmandu. Although it was informally announced during his birthday in February, it took a while to finalize the artists and the start of the movie. The name of the movie ‘Romeo’ and one of the actresses, Oshima Banu were announced in February of 2016. In addition to Oshima Banu two more actresses were announced in the formal announcement.

Watch a video report:

3 Juliets of 'Romeo' Hassan Khan - Melina Manandhar, Nisha Adhikari & Oshima banu

In addition to Oshima two other actresses in the movie are Nisha Adhikari and Melina Manandhar. The roles of the actors in the movie are kept secret, but they are likely to be featured as the Juliets of the lead character who is probably named Romeo – after the name of the movie. So, if the lad actor Hassan Khan is featured as Romeo, three probable Juliets are :

  • Oshima Banu
  • Melina Manandhar
  • Nisha Adhikari

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