On November 10, 2017 four new Nepali movies have released in theatre. It is a very competitive release for some of the highly expected movies in the film industry. All single word named movies – ‘Meela’, ‘Tyandro’, ‘Sakash’ and ‘Romeo’ will sustain a damage because of the competition among each other. In terms of the star cast, none of the movie should be missed. ‘Mela’ has Salon Basnet, Amesh Bhandari and Ashishma Nakarmi; ‘Romeo’ has Oshima Banu, Nisha Adhikari and Melina Manandhar to watch for; ‘Tyandro’ features Dayahang Rai and is directed by Samten Bhutiya; ‘Sakash’ has Sushma Karki and Mahima Silwal with Wilson Bikram Rai.
Please read and watch the details and the trailer of each of the movies before deciding which movie to watch this week:
The details of each of the movie are arranged according to the view count of the trailers in YouTube. When view count are considered to be determining factor, ‘Mela’ leads with more than 8 lakh views followed by ‘Romeo’ approaching 7 lakh and ‘Tyandro’ almost 6.5 lakh.
About Mela
The movie directed by Basanta Tiraula features Salon Basnet and Amesh Bandhar iwth actress Ashishma Nakarmai. Written by Hari Panta, the movie is made on a love story. With Nepal, the movie is also releasing in India.
Trailer view count – 839K
About Romeo
I had talked about the movie before because it is introducing Oshima Banu. The video I prepared about Oshima being the first Muslim actress in Nepali film industry went viral at that time. In addition to Oshima, the movie also marks the comeback of the beautiful actress, Melina Manandhar and Nisha Adhikari is another attraction of the movie. Produced by the lead actor Hassan Raza Khan, the movie is made on a triangular love story. One of the songs, ‘Lyang Lyang …’ had also been successful from the movie. The movie is directed by Shankar Karki and is made under ‘HRK Production’ banner.
Trailer view count – 678K
Trailer of Romeo:
About Tyandro
Made on the story of the time of civil war, the movie tells the story of Koshis Comrade who is injured during Maoist war. With Dayahang the movie also features Rambabu Gurung, Buddhi Tamang, Kamalmani Nepal in main role. Directed by Samten Bhutiya, the movie is one of the highly awaited movies by film critics.
Trailer view count – 641K
About Sakash
The movie made on the gang culture and crime in Kathmandu features Wilson Bikram Rai with hot actresses like Sushma Karki and Mahima Silwal. The movie also features Rabindra Khadka and Shyam Rai.
Trailer view count – 19K
Which one are you planning to watch this week? Please comment.
mela movies kaila halna ho