Miss World 2012 is Miss China, Shristi top 10 in Beach Beauty

Nepali people had a lot of hopes from Miss Nepal 2012 Shristi Shrestha but she couldn’t be selected in the top 15 list.  Many fans of Shristi however are satisfied that she had managed to be ranked 21st. That in itself was a record in Nepal participation in Miss World.

Shristi’s achievement in being selected as one of the top 10 in Miss World Beach Fashion contest was also a new record. The winner of Miss World Beach Fashion contest was Miss Wales.


This year’s Miss World was awarded to Miss China. This is the second time
Miss China has been awarded the title. The last time Zhang Zilin was awarded the Miss World 2007.

  • Miss World 2012 is Miss China – Wen Xia Yu
  • Miss World 2012 runner up – Miss Wales – Sophie Moulds
  • Miss World 2012 second runner up is Miss Australia – Jessica Kahawaty
  • Miss World Beauty with a Purpose winner – Miss India – Vanya Mishra
  • Miss World Talent winner – Miss China PR

The five finalists of Miss World were Miss Jamaica, Miss South Sudan, Miss India, Miss Australia, Miss Brazil, Miss China PR and Miss Wales.

Top 15 included Miss Australia, Brazil, China PR, England, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, South Sudan, Spain, United States and Wales.

Many of the participants thought that it selecting organizing nation’s Miss China the winner was was somewhat fishy.


3 thoughts on “Miss World 2012 is Miss China, Shristi top 10 in Beach Beauty

  1. In top five position how come seven girls and there were news that Miss india was not in top 5. Read carefully before posting……

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