Nihita Biswas making headlines… again (photos)

Sweetheart of international convict and ‘serial killer’ Charles Sobhraj, Nihiti Bishwas, surprised everybody when she announced that she was in love with Sobhraj. 65 year-old Sobraj and 21 year-old Nihita is an odd couple even without the the spicy criminal scene. That was why Nepali director Narayan Puri once told he wanted to make a movie out of their story in 2009.

The ‘love story’ made headline once again when the Supreme Court postponed Charle’s case. The journalists present there to cover the final verdict of the Court had nothing but Nihita Biswas to report about.

In 2008, Sobhraj and Nihita told that they got married on Dashain, the of biggest Hindu festival. But, as no priest or any court papers were involved the marriage proved to be a publicity hoax.

Charles Sobhraj, better known as French serial killer 's fiancée Nihita Bishwas speaks with press after his verdict was postponed on 30th July at Supreme Court in Kathmandu on Wednesday.
July 14, 2010
Post Photo/Shruti Shrestha/Kantipur

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