Nihita became the first to be evicted out of Big Boss 5

Nihita Biswas‘ days in the Indian TV reality show, Bigg Boss season 5 are over.


On the Episode 7 of the Bigg Boss 5 Nihita Biswas was voted-out by the public. On the Eviction Day, Pooja Mishra got another chance to remain in the show. You can watch the full episode in the video below:

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Nihita mom ‘shocked’ by Bigg Boss sex questions (Video)

Shakuntala Thapa, mother of Nihita, the wife of convicted killer Charles Shobhraj, told that she was shocked by the sex question her daughter faced in her appearance in Bigg Boss 5 in Indian TV channel Colors.

Shakuntala said, “People don’t ask such questions, especially to people they have known only for 15 minutes. Nihita is young and led a sheltered life. We encouraged her to join the show thinking she would make friends with people from different cultures and broaden her horizon.”

Lets analyze what happened in the show:

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Shobhraj wife Nihita to feature in Indian TV show?

Bikini Killer Charles Shobhraj‘s 22-year-old wife Nihita Biswas is told to be featured in a reality TV show, Bigg Boss 5. From the time Nihita announced her love for the convicted killer, she was expected to cash in the popularity she got from linking herself to the controversial character.

An Indian Newspaper, Times of India, has told that Nihita has already confirmed her presence in the show. Bigg Boss show, known for presenting controversial content, goes on air in October. Nihita is expected to arrive in India by the end of September for the preparation of the show.

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Charles Sobhraj was using mobile phones in jail – police suspect Nihita for supplying them

Charles Sobhraj was found using mobile phone, against the rule, of the jail he is kept in. The police had found a mobile phone, SIM card, and an iPod from his room during a surprise check. The police has identified Nihita Biswas as the main culprit in supplying those stuffs to him and is seeking to prosecute her on those charges.

The police went to search in Sobhraj’s room on a tip-off. When they reached there, Sobhraj managed to chew a Ncell SIM card while another SIM was found under his bed. With the SIM, there were two Samsung mobile sets, memory card, memory card reader, headphone, and a charger.

The police has also claimed to have found more important stuffs in Sobhraj’s cell. If convicted Nihita and Sobhraj will be jailed for 6 months and have to pay a fine of Rs 200 (less than $3.00!).

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Shobraj's wife and mother-in-law found guilty

The Supreme Court of Nepal has found the Bikini Killer, Charles Shobraj’s wife, Nihita Biswas, and mother-in-law, Sakuntala Thapa, guilty on the charges laid by two lawyers Shanta Sedhain and Rajan Adhikari back in August 1, 2010.

Sakuntala Thapa, a lawyer and mother of Nihita Biswas, and Nihita in their after-verdict reaction had accused the lawyers to be corrupt and they were arrested in response to the charges. They were however released after 24 hours.

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Nihita and Shakuntala released from jail

After 24 hours in jail, wife and mother-in-law of serial-killer, Charles Sobhraj, were released. In the court Nihita reportedly realized her mistake and told that it was unintentional. She also asked for mercy in the court. The issue however is not finalized yet. The proceeding will resume on Friday, August 6.

Nihita Biswas and her mother Shakuntala were arrested when the court proceedings took time to finish.

The Supreme Court ha
d summoned
the mother and daughter to clarify their after-verdict reaction when Charles Sobhraj was convicted.

Nihita Biswas and Charles Shobhraj marriage (Hindi)

Charles Shobhraj has tied knot with Nihitain the high security jail in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu. However, the Nepal government has claimed that it is not possible in jail. This video shows the wedding photos of Shobhraj and Nihita.

This video is in Hindi by a Hindi news channel Aaj Tak.
It is to be noted that much of the contents of the video are same in many videos and the reporters are trying to highlight their points by bringing up unnecessary stuffs.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

More news clippings — Charles Sobhraj, at the age of 66, has married to Nihita, a 22-year-old Nepali girl.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Nihita Bishwas in trouble – SC summon’s Sobhraj’s wife and mother-in-law

The wife and mother-in-law of of convicted murderer Charles Sobhraj have brought themselves trouble due to the after-verdict reaction. Sakuntala Thapa, a lawyer and mother of Nihita Biswas, accused the judges of corruption while taking the decision.

In response to the Shanta Sedhain and Rajan Adhikari’s court application on Sunday, the Supreme Court (SC) of Nepal has ordered the two to be present in SC within three days, with their clarification. If they fail to appear in the court, the police might arrest them.

If convicted, Sakuntala and Nihita will face up to a years behind bars or a fine of ten thousand rupees or both.

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Charles Sobhraj sentenced to life – Nihita smells foul

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The Supreme Court (SC) on Friday upheld Patan Appellate Court’s decision to convict French national Charles Gurumukh Sobhraj on the charge of murders. Sobhraj has also been convicted for possessing fake passport.

Nihita Biswas, the wife of the ‘Bikini Killer’, Charles Sobhraj, has again tried to get a wide media coverage by accusing the Supreme Court judges for corruption on the final decision to convict Sobhraj for life. Sobhraj’s lawyer and mother-in-law, Shakuntala Thapa, argued that her client was denied justice and treated unfairly.

The 66-yr old Frenchman was sent to jail after being arrested in 2003 in the charge of murdering two foreign nationals in 1975. The Kathmandu District Court convicted him of murder in 2004 when he was found guilty of killing a US national, Connie Jo Bronzich and a Canadian Armond Carriere in 1975.

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Nihita Biswas making headlines… again (photos)

Sweetheart of international convict and ‘serial killer’ Charles Sobhraj, Nihiti Bishwas, surprised everybody when she announced that she was in love with Sobhraj. 65 year-old Sobraj and 21 year-old Nihita is an odd couple even without the the spicy criminal scene. That was why Nepali director Narayan Puri once told he wanted to make a movie out of their story in 2009.

The ‘love story’ made headline once again when the Supreme Court postponed Charle’s case. The journalists present there to cover the final verdict of the Court had nothing but Nihita Biswas to report about.

In 2008, Sobhraj and Nihita told that they got married on Dashain, the of biggest Hindu festival. But, as no priest or any court papers were involved the marriage proved to be a publicity hoax.

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Love Affair of Charles Sobhraj and Nihita Biswas to be made a Film

When news about marriage of Charles Sobhraj with a 20-year-old Nepali fiancée, Nihita Biswas was released I wrote “loving and marrying a killer with approval of a lawyer mother looks a bit fishy!”

Avenues TV aired an interview of Nihita in which she claimed that Sobhraj was innocent and her love was for life. I wasn’t alone on suspecting their affair. Film director Narayan Puri was watching the interview and decided to cash on the story.

“I watched the program with the girl saying confidently she knew about his past but yet was ready to marry him and I was very impressed,” Puri said. “I realized that it’s not only people with a positive image who have fans. It can happen to even a prisoner behind bars. I also realized what an intelligent man Sobhraj was and how his taking to crime was a loss for society.”

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Charles Sobhraj married Nihita Biswas in Kathmandu

Murder convict Charles Sobhraj on Wednesday tied the knot with his 20-year-old Nepali fiancée, Nihita Biswas, on the day of Bada Dashain, greatest festival in Nepal. Nihita, 44 years younger than Charles, married in the jail where he is kept, after being sentenced to life imprisonment in July 2004.

There was no priest though the bride’s brother and mother Shakuntala Thapa turned up to show their support. Thapa, a leading lawyer, is also fighting Sobhraj’s case in Supreme Court, challenging a lower court decision that declared him guilty of the murder of an American backpacker, Connie Jo Bronzich, in 1975. (indiatimes)

Sobhraj has in the past admitting to killing several Western tourists, and is serving a life sentence for killing a Canadian tourist in Katmandu in 1975.

Agreed, love is blind and love doesn’t see the barrier of age, sex or anything. But loving and marrying a killer with approval of a lawyer mother looks a bit fishy! Many questions remain unanswered like – how could a girl fall in love with a man so famous for killing women? Or how could they fall for each other in mere few visits of 20 minutes each?

It it Charles making some plans and Nihita being used? Or is it like Charles want to settle down and Nihita want to enjoy the sudden limelight?

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