Nir Shah making a movie on Masan by Gopalprasad Rimal

The actor and director Nir Shah has started making an art movie, based on the story of late Gopalprasad Rimal’s story "Masan". Gopal Prasad is a noted poet and playwright who ushered in a new era in Nepali literature. The drama, Masan is also taught as one of the electives in schools in Nepal and India.

The shooting of the movie has started on Ashad 1, 2068. Nir Shah had been preparing the set, representing the old setting of the story, for the movie.

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US Lesbian couple got married in Nepal with the help of Blue Diamond Society

An American lesbian couple, a lawyer and a college professor, married in Dakshinkali temple, south of Katmandu, on June 20, 2011.  Present in the ceremony were the local gay rights activists of Blue Diamond Society. A gay rights activist and Parliament member, Sunil Babu Pant, was also present in the ceremony.

american-lesbian-couple-2 The lesbian couple dressed in traditional Nepali dress share a banana as a symbol of mutual union. (One was wearing the male attire and another the female).

It is is probably the first public same-sex ma
rriage, in accordance with the Hindu tradition, done in in Nepal.

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