Renewing expiry date on cornflake packets

A wholesale businessman of cornflake collect all the expired cornflake packets from the retail shops and repackage them in packages with new expiry dates. This is done manually in his rental room in Dillibazar.

Ram Prasad Neupane had taken the following photos showing how the repackaging of cornflake is done.


By looking at the packages, can you tell which brand is the cornflake is?

Photo credit: Ram Prasad Neupane.

Nepali movie – Hifajat (2010)

Nepali movie – Hifajat
StarringRekha Thapa, Aryan Sigdel, Nir Shah, Aayush Rijal, Bijaya Deuja, Kamal Krishna Poudel etc.
DirectorGyanendra Deuja

Nepali movie ‘Hifajat’ is Rekha Films’ fourth movie and a presentation of Guna Cinema. The movie introduces a new face in the Nepali film industry, Aayush Rijal. The posters of the film were the photoshop copy of an English film.

PLOT – Kirti (Rekha Thapa) is a spoiled brat, estranged from her rich businessman father. The courageous girl likes to create trouble in her college, but she is also a loving friend. Kriti rebels when her father hires Arjun (Aayush Regmi), an ex-army tough-guy, as a bodyguard. To protest she made a charming thier, Aryan (Aryan Sigdel), a friend. Aryan has a secret of his own. Because of Aryan’s secret motives, he betrayed Kriti and leaves her in danger.

Arjun vows to take care of Kriti until she is reunited with Aryan, Kriti’s love-of-life. The road to the true love is filled with dangers, and twists and turns. The path ultimately challenges Kriti’s views of what the life and love is.

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Rajesh Hamal – A woman claims to be his wife

UPDATE: It seems it was a false alarm and the woman wanted to get limelight by connecting herself to Rajesh Hamal.  Rajesh Hamal’s assistant Acharya had told that the family members of Bal Kumari had called Hamal to say sorry for the incident. Hamal says that he had never known the woman or anybody in her family. It is likely that Bal Kumari has mental problem. (Bal Kumari’s photo and the original article follows)


A police Hawaldar, Bal Kumari Adhikari of Jyotinagar, Chitwan has claimed to have married the actor in 2050 BS. The woman has also claimed that Hamal is the father of three of her children.

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