Poster of Badhshala released on Intl Human Rights day

On the occasion of the International Human Rights day (December 10, 2012), the poster of an upcoming movie ‘Badhshala’ was released in Kathmandu. ‘Badhshala’ is told to be made on the story of the abuse of human rights. The poster also features a character ready to be tortured in a room that looks like a windows less army/police torture room.


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Saroj Khanal in Nepal to promote 'Manav'

To promote his comeback movie ‘Manav’, Saroj Khanal is currently in Nepal. He had stopped doing films after he moved out of Nepal and started living in the US for the last fourteen years.

Saroj has reached his home in Chitwan and will start the promotion from his home district. The producer of the movie Kumar Acharya is planning the promotion to start from Wednesday (Dec 13). 

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