Movie Review – Chadke

**You may also want to read the Pre-release review of ‘Chadke’.**

After a very good publicity a equally good response from the promotional matters, ‘Chadke’ was released all over Nepal on 22th February. ‘Chadke’, said to be an environmental thriller movie, is based on youths and the environment of Chitwan area. The movie is the debut movie of director Nigam Shrestha, and he had also assisted ‘Loot‘ as an assistant director. ‘Chadke’ features Namrata Shrestha, Robin Tamang, Arpan Thapa, Dayahang Rai, and Sushil Pokharel in leading roles.

chadke poster namrata


Chitwan is ruled by a multi-ethnic six-member gang named Royal gang. The leader of Royal gang, Chewang Lama, haa political backing and his gang smuggles and sells Chitwan National Park animals to foreigners. The opposing political party supports a small gang of Bindu and offers Rs. 50 lakhs bounty to kill Chewang Lama. In the meantime, Royal gang’s member obstruct the work of a researcher who had come to study about plants and species in the National Park. The movie is all about these the researcher, Bindu, Chewang, and their gangs. I don’t want to kill the excitement of watching the movie by revealing the plot.

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Dipsikha Shahi’s hat trick in renaming herself, settles for a masculine name

A new actress, Dipsikha Shahi has made a new record in Nepali movie industry by renaming herself twice in a month. That is a hat rick in name – from Dipsikha Shahi to Sikha Shahi to finally Darshan Shahi. The final name Darshan sounds much like a male name and we are afraid, it will also be changed to something else.

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