Nepali Movie – Ichchha (Dayahang Rai, Subas Thapa etc.)

Nepali Film – Ichchha
Starring – Dayahang Rai,Subas Thapa, Sikha Shahi etc.
Director – Munal Ghimire

The movie was released in 2015. Read release news. The movie directed by Munal Ghimire is made under the banner PLM Films named after its three producers Nabin Shrestha, Laxman Poudel and Prakash Ghimire. The movie features Dayahang Rai, Subash Thapa, Dipsikha Shahi, Om Pratik, Deshbhakta Khanal, Aakash Pal, Ayushma Karki, and Rashmi Bhatta in main roles. The movie is made on a social story about marriage. The movie tries to give a message that marriage should not be forced upon the youngsters. The movie features the choreography of Gambhir Bista, action of Roshan Shrestha and script of Prakash Ghimire.

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Nepali Movie – Junge (NEW)

Nepali Movie – Junge
Starring Suraj Singh Thakuri, Reecha Sharma, Sikha Shahi, Anup Baral, Sushil Raj Pandey, Joes Pandey, Sushank Mainali, Najir Hussain, MS Agraj etc.
Director – Utkal Thapa

About ‘Junge’

Nepali movie ‘Junge’ is a presentation of Ideas & Images and Avana Productions in association with Ashok Gautam Films. The action movie is produced jointly by the director Utkal Thapa with cinematographer Sushan Prajapati. The screenplay of the movie is written by MS Agraj and Subash Koirala. The editor is Ujjawal Dhakal, music composer is Almoda Upreti, lyrics by Manas Raj, background scroe by Iman Bikram Shah, choreography by Rajendra Rajbahak, and action by Samrat Basnet.

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Friday release, Mar 22 – Manjari and Vigilante

This week two more Nepali movies are being released in theaters. Two different movies ‘Manjari’ and ‘Vigilante’ are going to release on March 22, 2013. Both of the movies are considered to be the movies of interest for the audience.

manjari and vigilente

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Dipsikha Shahi’s hat trick in renaming herself, settles for a masculine name

A new actress, Dipsikha Shahi has made a new record in Nepali movie industry by renaming herself twice in a month. That is a hat rick in name – from Dipsikha Shahi to Sikha Shahi to finally Darshan Shahi. The final name Darshan sounds much like a male name and we are afraid, it will also be changed to something else.

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