Friday Release – White Sun and Parcel

Two new movies ‘Seto Surya’ and ‘Parcel’ were released on Friday, December 9, 2016. ‘Seto Sury’ is a movie by director Deepak Rauniyar and ‘Parcel’ is directed by Rabin Shrestha.

Seto Surya (White Sun)

The movie ‘Seto Surya’ was featured in the 27th Singapur Film Festival and was awarded the Best Asian Feature Film award and cash prize of Rs. 4.3 million. The movie by Deepak Rauniyar was also featured in Venice Film Festival, Toronto Film Festival, Bushan Film Festival, Film Forum the South, Mumbai Film Festival etc. The movie made on the story of a remote village during the Maoist war.
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A life full of struggle, Remembering RP Bhattarai, Lajalam

The comedy actor popularly known for his dialogue “Lajalam ho mero naam. Engineer mero kaam,” has left the world on Friday. The untimely death came as a shock without warning. Bhattarai was allright a day before and was found dead in the morning in his room in Biratnagar. More details of the death here.

I am going to take a look into his life on his own saying before his death. The following video presents RP Bhattarai’s life story in his own words. He has talked in details about how he met his wife and how she helped him in his difficult days.

RP Bhattarai life story (summary)

  • RP Bhattarai grew up in Biratnagar. He was active politically and was a tough guy.
  • He was doing his intermediate in Law when he met his wife Saru for the first time.
  • He fell in love in the first sight and started following her. He married Saru in a hurry.
  • Bhattarai to start a business in Biratnagar failed and he left Biratnagar to move to Kathmandu
  • In Kathmandu they started a retail shop and sold to start a trucking business.
  • The trucking business failed and left him with a lot of debt.
  • Saru started a small tea shop – all by herself. RP Bhattarai also helped her in later days.
  • They built up the tea shop and sold for a profit.
  • The video also talks a lot about Bhattarai as an actor.
  • After a very tough struggle, RP Bhattarai got chance in television serials.
  • Being fat was a blessing for him – to get job as a comedy actor.
  • But, that same blessing was a curse that took his life.
  • After much struggle, when it was time to reap the benefit of his struggle, Lajalam, left the world.

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