8 Bollywood film crew member killed in Nepal Earthquake, says Mugdha Godse

The actress of ‘Fashion’, Mugdha Godse’ has told that eight of the crew members of her upcoming movie have been killed by the earthquake in Nepal. In a Twitter post, Mugdha told that she was shocked and depressed by the news.

Mugdha-Godse-shooting in Kathmandu.png

Photo – Mugdha Godse and Ruslaan Mumtaz while shooting in Kathmandu.

Mugdha and the shooting unit was also scheduled to travel to Jomsom and Pokhara for the shooting.

According to reports, Mugdha was also in Nepal a week prior to the earthquake. The unnamed movie is being directed by Manoj Dhaman. The movie features Mugdha and Ruslaan in the role of stunt masters.

The earthquake measuring 7.8 in Richter scale had caused massive damage in Nepal on Saturday killing more than 4,000 people so far. The death toll is expected to increase in coming days. The earthquake had also killed more than 50 people in India. A South Indian actor, K Vijay, was also killed in a separate incident caused by the earthquake.

xNepali team wish the deceased soul rest in peace!

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