Friday Release, November Rain and Kabaddi

Two new movies are releasing on Friday, April 25 in theaters all over Nepal. The debut movie of Aryan Sigdel as a co-producer, ‘November Rain’ and comedy movie ‘Kabaddi’ are going to compete with each other. Both movies have good artists with potential.

kabaddi and november rain

‘November Rain’ features Namrata Shrestha, Aryan Sigdel, Chhulthim Gurung, Keshav Bhattarai, Hiuwala Gautam etc. The movie directed by Dinesh Raut had received a good publicity since the start. Right after his marriage, Aryan has started the publicity of the movie. Although Namrata Shrestha has been sick and is resting in Pokhara, other artists are teamed up to promote the movie.

‘Kabaddi’ is made on the story, script and dialogue of the director Rambabu Gurung. The movie features Dayahang Rai, Rajan Khatiwada, Nischal Basnet, Rishma Gurung etc. The movie was released in Pokhara and Hetauda a day earlier – on Thursday. In Kathmandu, the premiere show is going to be held on Thursday.