‘I saw Arpan naked with four girls’ Khusbu Oli

Miss Teen of 2006, Khusbu Oli, got a limelight when gangster Dinesh Adhikari ‘Chari’ was killed by the police. Before being involved with Chari, Khusbu Oli was seeing Arpan Koirala.

khusbu oli interview

Summary of Khusbu’s interview:

  • Arpan Koirala wasn’t her boyfriend. She says, he was only a good friend. They worked together from 2008 to 2011.
  • Khusbu went to London to study through Suraj Rajbhandari’s consultancy.
  • Arpan joined her after 3-4 months.
  • Arpan and Khusbu lived together in same building with other family members. But, she also added, Arpan didn’t rent an apartment for her.
  • At the end of 2011 Arpan returned back to Kathmandu and sold his house to invest in a restaurant in London.
  • The business failed and he started taking drug. After Khusbu returned back to Kathmandu, she caught Arpan taking ‘brown sugar’, red handed.
  • She took Arpan to psychiatrist, Dr. Nirakar Man Shrestha in Tripureshowr. The drug to reduce drug craving didn’t work.
  • She took Arpan to Delhi for Arpan’s rehabilitation for 5 days.
  • She caught Arpan naked with four girls.

There are a lot of different information she has revealed in the interview.

We previously prepared a video about how the love story of Khusbu and Chari:

youtube.com/watch?v=OIR9nX78rfQ (not available)

Watch the full interview:

Image Sambad - Interview with Khushbu Oli खुश्बु ओली

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