Janmabhumi to Janmabhumi, 20 years journey of Mohan Niraula

Director Mohan Niraula debuted as a director in his movie ‘Janmabhumi’ some 20 years ago (click here to watch the original ‘Janmabhumi’) and now, he is releasing the movie by the same name on April 24, 2015 (Baisakh 11, 2072). The censor board has given the movie an ‘U’ certificate, suitable for all the audiences.

janmabhumi from 1995 to 2015

Like the original movie, the story of the new movie also helps in creating the sense of nationality to the youths. The director Nirula says that he has used all of his knowledge and experience in the movie to make it a great product. In addition to directing the film, he has also written the script of the movie.

‘Janmabhumi’ features Nishma Ghimire, Anu Shah, Binod Karki, jebika Karki, Agrim Giri, Om Pratik, and the world’s youngest director – Saugat Bista. Saugat had acted in the movie before he decided to direct the movie ‘Love You Baba’ and make the new record of being the youngest director in the world. He says, acting in the movie had inspired to direct a movie all by himself.

The movie features the cinematography of Yubraj Rai, choreogrpahy of Shankar BC, editing of Bipin Malla, action of Astha Maharjan, is produced by Suraj Giri.

The original ‘Janmabhumi’, released in 1995, was produced by Chhabi Raj Ojha and had also featured Chhabi’s wife of that time, Geetanjali. Geetanjali later committed suicide and Chhabi married actress Rekha Thapa. In addition to Geetanjali, the movie also featured Shiva Shrestha, Mausami Malla, Saroj Khanal, Bipana Thapa, and Basundhara Bhusal in main roles. Chhabi’s son Sakar Ojha was also featured as a child artist in the movie.

janmabhumi censor certificate

Censor certificate of ‘Janmabhumi’.

anu shah in a scene of janmabhumi

A photo of actress Anu Shah at the shooting location of ‘Janmabhumi’.

World Record holder 8-years-old director Saugat Bista in a scene of ‘Janmabhumi’. Acting in the movie inspired him to direct a movie of his own.

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