Jholey sequel announced, new trend in Nepali film industry

Sequel movies are produced to cash in the success of the original successful film. Another film, ‘Jholey’ team has announced the making of the sequel of the movie. The movie released last year was liked by the viewers and the producer Taken Khadka has decided that the viewers would like to follow the story in the new part. The director Dipendra K Khanal is reportedly busy in the preparation of the script of the film with the script writer Shan Basnet.

sequel in nepali film

The sequel, ‘Jholey 2’ will feature Dayahang Rai, Priyanka Karki and A Gurung in leading role. A new actress will also debut in the film. 

It seems, the sequel trend is the new thing in Nepali film industry. ‘Nai Nabhannu La 3’ set a new record of being the third sequel of a film in Nepali film industry. After the completion of the third sequel, there is a high probability that the fourth sequel might be in making.

Another film, ‘Bindaas’ is also going towards its third sequel ‘Bindaas 3’ announced recently. The leading actress of the previous two sequences, Sushma Karki had recently regretted acting in such movies indicating that possibility that she might not be the leading actress in the third sequel.

Upcoming sequel movies (and links to watch the previous sequels)

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