Mukhauta audio launch, Nisha Adhikari defends use of foul language in movies

The audio of upcoming movie ‘Mukhauta’ was launched in a press meet organized by the film makers in Kathmandu. The movie scheduled to release on May 30 (Jestha 16) is a story of city dwellers. A directorial debut of Arpan Thapa featuring well known actors is expected to be successful in winning the hearts of the audience.


Press meet video and the question about foul language in trailer:

In the past movies were mainly focused on village dwellers and their problems. These days, movies are shifting towards the city. ‘Mukhaut’ is another such film. The movie featuring well known actors like , Rabin Tamang, Sunil Thapa, Dayahang Rai, Nisha Adhikari, and Harshika Shrestha was criticized on the use of foul language in it’s trailer. When the issue was raised in the press meet Nisha Adhikari replied in a detailed way why such language are required in the movie.

Full speech of Nisha Adhikari explaining why every types of movie should be made:

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