Namrata Shrestha Sex Scandal

Namrata started acting in Grade 1. Watch Namrata’s first film Watch “Sangani” here.

Namrata Shrestha is in the top of the news these days with the release of her latest movie ‘Mero Euta Saathi Chha’.  I haven’t seen the movie yet but I have heard that it is a cocktail of Hollywood, Bollywood and Korean movies. She had shown her acting potential in her last movie  ‘Sano Sansar‘.

Also watch: A video about Namrata:
Namrata to Priyanka, 5 Actress who were Child Artists: Child to Adult journey


This post is not about her acting or movies but about a 8 minutes video circulating in the internet recently. I am not much sure, but the dimple of the girl on the video resembles that of Namrata. The girl in the video seems to be well skilled in what she was doing. Although the couple are talking in English it sounds pretty much like Nepali ascent. The girl, although looking a bit drunk, is well aware of the video recording as the flash lights are turned on. At some point, she tells “turn it off please…. its disturbing”.

namrataPlease see the screenshot from video and compare with the original photo of Namrata. Do you think it is Namrata? If the latest scandal proves to be true she is supposed to be on headline for quite some time.

I hope the video is not a fabricated one to defame the aspiring artist.

UPDATE: Another video has surfaced. A 2:25 minutes long video seems like the first video in the series in which the guy blindfolds the girl. There should be more videos in the series. Too bad, they are talking in English all the time and not a single Nepali word. That’s why, I can’t be too sure that she is Namrata. It seems, there are more videos to come up as the guy told at the end of this video that he is going to setup the camera on a tripod.

UPDATE 2 (RUMORS): If rumors are to be believed; Namrata told that she was the girl in the video. The video was told to be released by the wife of the guy in the video as she took them to Maiti Nepal, a woman’s right advocate in Nepal, for her husband’s apology on the matter.

Detailed Profile of Namrata (link removed) and some more photos (credits :

UPDATE 3: A website, filmykhabar, says that the guy in the video is DJ Trantik. Wife of DJ found this video and she took it to Maiti Nepal. It is still not known who released this video in the internet.

namrata-shrestha namrata_shrestha namrata_3

The scandal video is not suitable to be posted here so I suggest you to search it in the xnepali forum.

I am posting a music video instead: video from the movie “Sano Sansar” featuring Namrata Shrestha. :)

UPDATE 4 (Sept 22): Finally I could see the full video when one of the xnepali forum members has posted it in the forum. At the end of one clip somebody knocked on the door and the guy asked in Nepali “Ko Ho?” (who is there). That is the only Nepali conversation on the whole video. None of the accused, Namrata and DJ Tantrik has told anything for or against the video.
It is sad incident that such a video was released to general public. I hope this incident teaches a lesson to the people not to take such videos and even if they do secure it so that it won’t be released like this one. And one should never trust anybody in such matters.

439 thoughts on “Namrata Shrestha Sex Scandal

  1. that was very gud shot i like it keep it up and hope to see in the future more clips thanks,i agree about all the coments listed above as we all knw that nepal is a democratic country but still we are not in a proper democracy,that was a first step taken by NAMRATA , we all are there to support you .
    Dont worry be happy

  2. The whole idea perhaps was threesome and it appears that one was denied of his fairshare of her as he was with ONLY a camera throughout both episodes.. this is the revenge……..

    The scandal is not only in the Nepali media from abroad but its at home and in the Indian media too and the fact is that media did not secretly filmed her private/personel life/affairs solely to ruin her career, if there’s anyone to blame for it, its herself and her scandalous sex associates.

    It appears not in reality though but we still very much like to think that we live in a conservative society and as I see it, the society and of couse the media has its duties and obligations to put attitudes of such a quean to an acceptable level by the wider society.

    Don’t forget Namrata was a role model for your little girls the day before, WOULD you whole hearteldy be able to accept her as one now? If we were to accept her involvement in an explicit sexual acts, we are promoting a culture of promiscuity.

  3. i totaly agree with coment 115
    jun kura bhayo sakyo
    tyo usko decision thiyo
    ahile aayera tyo kura lai nana thari naam dinu hami kasaile mildaina
    euta superstar hudaima k usko personal life hudaina

    and this is for comment no. 69
    k ho bro afule jindagi ma kahile pani mistake nagareko jasto kura nagara na
    aru ko bare ma bhana payo bhandai ma manlageko bolne ho?
    what if there is ur sister in place of namrata. think about it then only point to others
    b4 writing that comment u should think about urself and look into mirror ki afu kati ko chokho cha bhanera

  4. tats natural all models and actress r like that…there r lots to come out!! Do u think c got success with her talent only?? no..never… … [edited]… clearly proves that c has been practicing these games from long long agooo…

    goood bideshma basera yasari nai nepaliko naam phailauna sakinchha.GOOD JOB.adarshako kura aba atti bhayo.plz stop this topic.
    hernus nepal bata publish hune news paper le kura bhujhera yaslai stop gareka chhan.
    sathma yahako popular site cybersansar and ma yo news nai chhaina.
    so lets stop this topic.feel you have sisters too.feel namrata is also your sister.if not think your mother is also a woman….

  6. k ho namarata ji you are toooo famous in london.
    ma lai ta saathi haru lay force jaray ko hernalai don’t mind are well-come in london

  7. amboo lulu maile ta soche ko pani theyana timi testo bhanera ……

    kasari bhayo yesto

    mero bichar ma sano sansar film bata emotion bareko ho!!! lol…

  8. all the ******* up there who watched the video and enjoyed … good for you ….

    xpect that u got no **in right to pin point on any one … this matters gone too high jus cuz she is famous , but after all she is even a normal person like everyone. she got her own life n she fells to live it her way so jus let her be as she is …. dont jus judge anyone and dont leave ur filty prevert comments on her and make your self down to humanity …..
    if u enjoyed the video … dont comment ******* comment on her …

  9. oie boka haru,,
    ka bata niskeko birshis ki kya ho..
    ta haru asman bata tapkekoho.
    u ve gt no riet to point on others lyf aru lai bhana bhanda agfari ta haru afai soch kati choti garechas..
    itz jst dat ta haru ko niskindaina n niskeni u dt bekum dat popular so wat >>
    JEALOUS HUH” salle gayera mar machikne haru>>>>>>>>>

  10. नम्रता ले किन र कसरी त्यो किसिमको फिल्म खेलिन भनेर समय बर्बाद गर्नु भन्दा अब यसलाई कसरी बन्द गर्न सकिन्छ सोच्नु पर्ने बेला हो कि जस्तो लाग्छ!!! तपाई हरुको के विचार छ?

    मलाई त लाग्छ यस बिषयमा धेरै समय बर्बाद गरेर के पो पाउनु छ र . उनले मोज गरिन हाम्रो किन टाउको दुखाई भनेको? मैले त केहि बुझ्नै सकिन!!! जहाँ सम्म उनको इज्जत को कुरा छ त्यो उनले बुझ्ने कुरा हो, उनलाई पनि राम्रो संग थाहा छ! के गर्दा के हुन्छा भनेर!!! गल्ति नहुनु थियो भैगयो!!! अब यसलाई कसरी हुन्छ ढाक छोप गर्दा नै बेश होला कि कसो साथी हो? हजुर हरुको विचार राखनु होला !!!

  11. I really feel sorry for her……. but i don think its a big issue …like everyone says sex is a part of our life… k bhayo ta usle garyo bhane…. uskai lyf ho, j gare ni bhai halcha hola ni…. yesto scene haru ta movies tira ni katti dekhincha ni … hollywood celeb chai yesto garda famous hune …awards haru paune … soo ali change lyanu paryo nepali society ma pani .. natra it’ll be difficlut for women to survie … j hunu thyo bhayo ..but plz don gib any bad comments to her .. jahn garo huncha uuslai .. she is the who is suffering the most .. soo guys don js make it worst for her….. after all she is anepalese and we shud respect her… .cheers !!!!

  12. Its true our society is conservative and bond by true cultural and social values. This is what makes every nepali proud and envy of the west or America. Its true everyone has sex whether with our GF or wife and these things do not come to media coz we know our social responsibilities.
    But in namrata’s case its different. She is still young and having achieved name and fame within such span of time should have thought of promoting her in better things. She knew the camera was on and her sexual lust was recorded and any bad element could put it on the media anytime. But she felt being famous means she could do anything vulgar not acceptable, irresponsible and go against our age old traditional values. She is totally wrong as in our male dominated society the man will go unharmed though he is also liable for extreem punishment, but the women will be condemned to death and she will lose all her dignity in our society. Not only will she but all her family members friends relatives and her coming generation will have to suffer and take this pain. Its not easy to live in Nepal with such a dirty sex scandal with a married man.Paris Hilton will live but namrata will perish/die with shame.
    What I think media is just doing their job to bring awareness to stop all bad elements and deactivate activities like sex murder extortion which are all against our society norms and ethics so that we become more careful in every step we take. After confronting such disgrace and loss of pride and dignity no nepali gal would dare to become the next namrata. A lesson we have to learn before our daughters indulge in shameful act which will destroy the life of all surrounding and supporting her. So always think twice before u leap.

  13. Reply to 99 ……..what is this, you are watching it after hour searching in the net and now talking like a big Brahman………do not forget u r here because yr father f***ed yr mother…… what if they had sex and made it public. Such action should not hamper her filmy career.

  14. kasile galti garyo bhane samasta sahar lai dosh dinu ramro hoina.machikne ….. dharane kt bhanera comment garnu parchha ??? tero thauma kasaile sex gardaina ????
    tero thauko nam lekh ta sabai pheharist ma batai dinchhu..

  15. hi namrata ma timro school ko sathi ho.timi le khub pragati garechau ta.maile ta school ma timilai kya like garthe jhandai letter love letter pathako tara ahile timro tyo action dekera ta ghin lagyo yaar.maile timilai kaha rakeko thiye timi ta kaha giryeu.


  17. Mundhum said

    “The children born of an illegal wife or illegal husband will be illegal and they cannot have any rights to parental property. They will be under the disposal of their maternal uncle.”

    Kirat Samjik Mundhum. THE FIRST LAW OF MARRIAGE, 2.(a)

    Bhagavad Gita said

    “When a family declines, ancient traditions are destroyed. With them are lost the spiritual foundations for life, and the family loses its sense of unity. Where there is no sense of unity, the women of the family become corrupt; and with the corruption of its women, society is plunged into chaos. Social chaos is hell for the family and for those who have destroyed the family as well.”

    Hinduism. Bhagavad Gita 1.40-42

    Quran said
    “Approach not adultery: for it is a shameful deed and an evil, opening the road to other evils.”
    Islam. Qur’an 17.32

    Bible said
    “You shall not commit adultery.”
    Christianity. (NIV, Exodus 20:14)

    Sutra said

    “Whoever has illicit affairs with the wives of his relatives or friends, either by force or through mutual consent, he is to be known as an outcast.”
    Buddhism. Sutta Nipata 123

    So from now on both Namarata and Trantik is outcast. Both of these people have become untouchables not by birth but because of their actions. They reap what they sow.

  18. ke pharak parchha ra if both want to do it. i think i would be better to have some fun if you wish and please donot try to comment others please go to your one work.


  19. This is not a good topic to discuss and explore in our society. actually this is a private matter. But tantrik is the person who did not respect the value of our society and exposed the tape and spoile the life of Namrata. I think we have to punish to mr tantric. and Miss Namrata you have to be careful from the person like Tantric.

  20. frens sex!!!!!!!!!!! woh!!!!!!!!!!!!! But don’t make it JHOOR yar. keep on ur memory of ur mind but do not use your cam like Namrata n Tantrik. if u got from anywhere pls don’t publish. Nepal ko badnam nagara please if u want our country proud.

  21. यो नेपाली फिल्मी दुनियाको नया चमत्कार हो वा नया नेपाल को नया खोज हो सबैले सबै तिर बाट यसरी नै पर्गती गर्ने हो भने नया नेपाल बन्न कति समय लाग्छ र जस्तो अमेरिका लाई हेर्नु उ सबै कुरा मा अगी छ तेसैले आज संसार मा अमेरिका चर्चा मा छ यो काम नम्रता ले सजिलै गरेर नेपाल को नै नाम संसार मा अगी राखी आफु पनी फिल्मं दुनिया मा चर्चा मा रहिन तसैले उनि लाई हामी बैले सम्मान गर्नु पर्छ

    जय जय नम्रता

  22. Comment 65
    you r right … everythings is supense so i want something 2 u didn’t belive anything when your eyes not seen i hope you didn’t belive you are son of your father because you mother may be fucked by your father or may be anohter guy (chimiki ,padosi ).. you didn’t see truth actulay who fucked your mom father or other guy everything is suspense so asked your mom who fucked her..

  23. Oh man thank you!It really works! I enjoyed the vd.Tara fren haru hamile namratalai sojo dekheu but why don’t you feel the pain that dj tantrik wife might had felt when see knows her husband is sleeping with other girl cheating her.I feel jo pani dj tantrik ko wife ma hunthyo tesle tyehinai garthyo.U may give bad comments for me but real yaar I know how it feels when husband cheats you or you lets imagine what you’d have done if your husband/wife cheats you?will you support your husband/wife’s new partner or want to take out them from being together?Anyway its my views. pahelo kura cheat garna hunnathyo n arko kura cheat garene k ko ramailo ko lagi khithka tiniharule?khitchnane hunthena.Hyaa k vo ra just 1 cheaters ko vdo dekhiyo kasto hudo rai6 celebraty ko parts dekhiyo thank you bro whoever uploaded HQ quality vdo

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