Nepali Movie – Happy Days (Dayahang Rai, Priyanka Karki)

Nepali Movie – Happy Days
Starring – Dayahang Rai, Priyanka Karki, Sanjay Gupta etc.
Director – Milan Chams

This is the movie about the life of the Nepali people in UK. The movie is shot in UK and is directed by UK resident director Milan. The movie is new movie as it was released in early 2018 (read more).

There was a rumour of affair between Priyanka and Dayahang Rai at the time of the shooting of the movie. It was only a rumour and they had always denied such a relationship. After Priyanka found Ayushma Desraj Joshi, they haven’t been seen together on-screen or off-screen.

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4 films of Priyanka Karki in theatre – Lily Bily, Shatru Gate, Kohalpur Express and Happy Days

Yes, Priyanka Karki has made a new record of four films of hers running simultaneously in theatres in Nepal. Two those new films, ‘Kohalpur Express’ and ‘Happy Days’ were released on Friday 27, 2018 joining two others which were released a few weeks earlier. Shatru Gate and Lily Bily have been doing good business in theatre weeks after they were released.

Priyanka told that she tried her best not to let two of her movies clash at the time of the release. Priyanka suggested viewers to watch ‘Happy Days’ first then they can watch ‘Kohalpur Express’. If both of them become houseful, you could watch ‘Shatru Gate’ or ‘Lily Bily’.

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