News from Nepal September, October, 2012 (consolidated)

Massive Fire in Chaudhary Group Factory

Oct 14, 2012 @ 16:56

A massive fire has broken out at the factory of Chaudhary Group Electronics, located in Satungal at around 5:30 pm today. The main cause of fire is not known but, it is suspected to be caused by an electronic short circuit.

Five fire brigades, local water suppliers and police personnel are trying to control the fire. Apart from water, fire retarding gas is also used to control the fire for the last 4 hours without much success. Occasional sounds of blast of electronic product like TV are heard from time to time.
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QFX cinemas closed – because of ban in Hindi movies

According to a media report, one of the multiplex operators QFX has decided to close its theaters because of the ban in screening Hindi movies starting from Monday. The distribution manager of QFX, Basanta Manandhar, told that they don’t have "any quality Nepali movie" to screen in their theaters. QFX’s all three theaters – QFX Jainepal, QFX Kumari and QFX Central in Civil Mall, Sundhara are closed for now. The report also says that another multiplex, BigCinemas, has also limited to operating only one of its theaters from Monday.


These decisions are told to be made in response to the CPN-Maoist (Baidhya faction) decision to ban the screening of Hindi movies in Nepal.

Do you think banning movies (or, banning anything for that matter) help in the development of a country?

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