Paramita RL Rana admitted her mistake in Budhanilakantha car crash case

On Mangsir 28, 2076, there was a car crash near the Budhanilakantha Municipality-5, Buspark. The driver and the passengers of the car were drunk. A pedestrian of Gorkha, Leela Devkota, was the victim of the accident.

The driver, Prithivi Malla and the passengers were Karish Maskey and Alina Thapa. The name of the fourth passenger was not revealed. Now, actress Paramita RL Rana has admitted that she was the fourth passenger in the car. People in social media had told that she was the fourth passenger but she kept her silence till now.

Now, she has admitted that she was also in the car with the license plate BA 14 Cha 6123. Writing a long statement in Facebook, Paramita has told that she is sorry for the incident. Here is the full statement:
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Surprise – Priyanka and Paramita together with Ayushman in Changa Chait

It is a surprising announcement by the director Dipendra K Khanal. Ayushman’s ex girl friend and current girlfriend are going to be featured with him in an upcoming movie of the director. The movie titled ‘Changa Chait’ will feature these three in leading roles. In addition to these leading characters, well known actress Reecha Sharma and Sandhya KC will also be featured in the movie.

Video report:

फिल्ममा जे पनि हुन सक्छ: प्रियंका आयुष्मान र परमिता एउटै फिल्ममा, Priyanka, Paramita & Ayushman

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Is Priyanka Karki to be blamed on the Paramita RL Rana and Ayushman Desraj breakup ?

The affair between the ‘Chapali Height 2’ debut actors Paramita RL Rana and Ayushman Desraj Shrestha had been one of the most talked about affair in the town. But, after three-years-long affair, these two love birds have chosen to walk in separate paths. According to latest news, Paramita and Ayushman have confirmed that the relationship has come to the end. Ayushman reportedly has found another unknown girl. In an interview to an online magazine, Paramita has told that they have decided to focus more on their career and stop seeing each other. The magazine claims that it has been weeks they haven’t seen each other.

When I checked their instagram profile, I also found that both Paramita and Ayushma have also removed the photos of each others.

Video report:

Who is Paramita RL Rana ?

Paramita is an actress who debuted in ‘Chapali Height 2’. She is yet to sign in another movie yet. But, she is a well known model who had also won some beauty contest titles. She is also a singer who has done some cover versions of well known songs.
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Friday Release – Bir Bikram and Chapali Height (its Thursday Release instead)

Two new Nepali movies have released on Thursday, August 18, 2016 a day before the usual release dates on Friday. The movies are released on the holiday, Rakshya Bandhan. Two awaited movies ‘Chapali Height 2’ and ‘Bir Bikram’ are released to take advantage of the holiday. The film producers association had loosened the previous requirements to release new movies only in Fridays and allowed to release on days others than Friday on festival times. Based on the release of films in other days, other film makers have also announced release date that don’t fall on non-Fridays.

Chapali Height 2

The movie ‘Chapali Height 2’ is a sequel of a hit movie ‘Chapali Height’ released three years ago. The sequel however doesn’t feature any actors of the original movie. The new movie is made Aasma Films banner and is produced by Arjun Kumar. The producer and the director, Dipendra K Khanal were same in both the sequels.  Continue reading

Chapali Height sequel Chapali Height 2 starts

The shooting of the sequel of the hit movie ‘Chapali Height’, titled ‘Chapali Height 2’ has started in Kathmandu. In an event held in Karyavinayak temple, the movie was inaugurated by the producer, artists and other crew members. A video report on the start of the shooting of the movie:

The sequel of hit movie ‘Chapali Height’ is being produced by the Arjun Kumar and is being directed by Dipendra K Khanal. The actors however are all new names in Nepali movie industry.

About ‘Chapali Height’

The original movie ‘Chapali Height’ was released three years ago. ‘Chapali Height’ and ‘Loot’ are credited to have rescued the Nepali movie industry after years-long stretch of unsuccessful Nepali movies. The movie features actress Binita Baral and actors Raj Timilsina and Amir Gautam in leading role. The movie made under Aasma Films banner was produced by Arjun Kumar and directed by Dipendra K Khanal.

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