Was Sai Baba a god ?

saibabaThe Indian spiritual leader and self-claimed God, Sai Baba, died on April 24. But, ‘the God’ himself had told that he will die in 2022.

His believers are still hopeful for him to be alive (after all, he still has 11 years to live according to his own prediction).

Today the last rituals of Sai Baba was performed in India. A huge crowd gathered to get the last view of their beloved leader.

He was rested in a 7 feet deep and 12 feet wide trench. A gold statue of Sai Baba will be erected on the spot in a few days.

Some try to prove him to be an average magician. Here are some videos I found in YouTube:

Satya Sai Baba “creates” a necklace out of thin air. Original footage from Robert Eagle’s investigative documentary, ‘Guru Busters’

A more detailed video with explanation to three of his tricks:

Sai Baba breathed his last breath

The Indian spiritual leader Sathya Sai Baba has passed away.

After complications related to heart and respiration, Sai Baba was hospitalized on March 28. He didn’t recover and passed away on Sunday morning at 6:25 am.

Sathya Sai Central Trust, in a media conference held at 11:00 am, has announced that the body will be kept in display in Sai Kulwant Hall on Monday and Tuesday, before performing the final rituals.

The 85-year-old spiritual leader was considered an incarnation of God by many of his followers. Before the final announcement a minister Geeta Reddy and other senior government officials held a conference. The state government has deployed more than 6,000 police
to the town for security of the general people and VIPs.

Sai Baba the illusionist

When Sai Baba was frisking gold rings and chains from the air and was giving it to his devotees, a Japanese interrupted him to ask a question. When he got the permission to ask, the Japanese asked Sai Baba, “Can you convert the mountain behind you into gold, just like the way you can do this gold rings and chains ?”

After a brief pause, he said to that Japanese guy, “Come tomorrow.”  And, that “tomorrow” never came.

I was in my second year of college when my English lecturer told about this incident to our class.

A couple of years ago, India TV ran a program disclosing some of his tricks Sai Baba does in front of his devotees, with the help of spy cameras. The program host had also had invited scientists to explain the reason behind those tricks. But, these revelations hardly mattered to his believers as they believe the television was running scam campaign to taint the image of Sai Baba.

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