What happened to Bhuwan KC Biography?

A biography of Bhuwan KC was being written in 2015. Before earthquake I had reported about the completion of writing but, Bhuwan was yet to review the book. After that, a lot of things happened in Nepal – earthquake was the most dreadful thing that happened in a couple of weeks after I wrote the article.

After earthquake, Bhuwan completed his directorial debut movie ‘Dreams’. The movie was successful beyond expectation. The movie established Samragyee RL Rana as the most sought after actress in the Nepali movie industry. That was also the hat trick of hit movies of Bhuwan’s son Anmol KC. But, the biography of Bhuwan KC was forgotten.

Summary of things about the biography:

  • Kamal Dhakal of Ghost writing Nepal was writing the biography
  • Ghost Writing Nepal had made a deal of Rs. 235,000 for the book. The deal was signed in January 2015.
  • The book was initially titled ‘Playboy’. Bhuwan objected to it and renamed ‘Superstar’.
  • The book was delayed when Bhuwan didn’t finished reviewing the book in time (April 2015).

Now, I have doubt that we will ever be able to see the book published. In the start I wrote the following statement:

There is no doubt that Bhuwan’s life is full of spices. But, having a spicy life and writing all about it truthfully are two different things. The questionable authenticity of the events in a few previous biographies have opened the critical eyes of Nepali audience. It is not easy to sell junk.

I think, they might have realized that ‘selling junk’ is not easy. I hope, I am wrong!

Bhuwan KC biography payment

Reference to previous posts on this issue:

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