Who loves Nepali movies?

Editor’s Note: This is the final part of “Who loves Nepali Movies?” article series.  This however is not a complete picture of Nepali theaters – there are a lot more to be written about. If we choose to publish more articles on the related theme, we will update this article in the future and, add the links to the new articles.

who-loves-nepali-movies Who loves Nepali movies? we do!

And, there are a lot of our friends, our visitors to this blog – they all love Nepali movies very much. Based on the love of the viewers, a lot of Nepali movies are being produced/released every month. At the same time, everybody agrees that the quality of the movie can’t be compared with Indian, Bollywood movies or English, Hollywood movies. Nepali movies have a limited market and our producers have limited resources in terms of producing movies. Not having a single shooting studio in Nepal explains how poor we are in terms of the infrastructure and resources to produce ‘good movies’. But, everybody admits: with such a limited resources we have witnessed some ‘very good’ movies and, that is something to be proud of.

We started this series to analyze if the theaters are treating Nepali movies fairly. Big Cinema, a theater operating on Indian investment announced not to screen Nepali movies accusing – Nepali movies do not have any quality. If that was the case why did they start the business in an immature market? Said that, we are not against some preferential business. They are free to compete in the free market. At the same time, business logic says that they also need to satisfy their client – Nepali people.

Big Cinema has no emotional attachment to Nepali movies. Theaters owned by our own Nepali citizens have emotional attachment with their own creations (most of them are producers too). But, it is a sad truth that they also prefer foreign movies to Nepali movies.

Fact Check Analysis

  • Big Cinema – You should learn to love Nepali movies if you want to do business in Nepal.
  • Guna Cinema – Heights of discrimination between Hindi movie and Nepali movie viewers.
  • Gopi Krishna Movies – Nepali viewers treated with negligence – discouraging the high class Nepali to watch Nepali moives.
  • QFX Central – Nepali version of Big Cinema. It should learn to love Nepali movies.

There is an old saying in Nepal, “Customers are Gods for a businessman”.  Many businesses believe in the saying and respect their customers. But, in the Nepali movie industry, the last thing the producers care are the audience/movie-goers. I suspect, they are just busy on making movies and they don’t have time to think about the viewers.

They have a deep rooted belief that Nepali viewers are much fascinated on Hindi movies and don’t support Nepali movies. The government is also an easy target and they blame the government for not making good policies.

It is seen that our theaters indirectly say, “If you come to watch Hindi and English movies than we will give you respect and good facilities, but if you come to watch Nepali movies you won’t get such respect and facilities”. Than, why should audiences go to watch Nepali movies? Why should we humiliate ourselves in front of Hindi movies viewers? It won’t help increase the popularity of Nepali movies in the high class society.

Regarding Big Cinema and QXF Central, there is no point of talking about Nepali movies. They simply are not interested in it. The viewers should make the decision in not paying premium price for not so premium movies and force these theaters to relocate themselves to somewhere else, out of Nepal.

So far, we have only discussed theaters/businesses in this “Who loves Nepali movies?” series. In the future we, we would like to talk about the film related person like actors, directors,  producers, distributors, and other film crew members and see if they love Nepali movies.

By - Raunak and Anand

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