Miss Little Culture, Pokhara is Tushar Dube

miss-little-cuture-pokhara A beauty and talent contest among the girls aged 6-12 years was held in Pokhara recently. The winner among the 9 contestants was Miss Tushar Dube.

The first runner up of the contest was Miss Ishma Gurung and second runnerup was Pringja Gurung. Ishma was also the Most Confident and Pringja also received the Best Cultural Dress title.

This should be the most rewarding contest as every contestant received at least one title. The title winners were:

  1. Miss Tushar Dube – Miss Little Culture
  2. Miss Ishma gurung – First runner up – Miss Little Culture and Most Confident
  3. Miss Pringja Gurung – Second
    runner up – Miss Little culture and Best Cultural Dress
  4. Miss Liza Koirala – Viewer’s Choice – Most Cute
  5. Miss Liza Pun – Most Disciplined
  6. Miss Sushma Poudel – Most Friendly
  7. Miss Ashminta Pun – Best Performence
  8. Miss Jesika Pun – Most Cute
  9. Miss Sophiya Kunwar – Best Smile

I wonder if they had some more titles and they didn’t have contestant to award the title.

US government nightmare – WikiLeaks released US diplomatic cables – 2600 cables from Kathmandu

A website popular for releasing secret military and government documents, WikiLeaks has started releasing more than 251,000 cables from various embassies all around the world. The website says that the cables from the US Embassy in Nepal counts 2600.

According to the chart in the WikiLeaks website, cables from Kathmandu are:

  • Secret – 84
  • Confidential – 1399
  • Unclassified – 795


That makes a total – 2278. I have no idea what other 322 cables are related to.

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