Wikileaks – Maoist used to sell weapons to Indian Naxals

Wikileaks has uncovered the document sent by US Embassy in New Delhi on 18 April 2006 to the State Department in Washington that mentions – “the Indian Government believes the Nepalese Maoists sold arms to the Indian Naxlite”.

However, the document does not show any operational links between the Maoists in Nepal and India.

Nepal: As noted above, the GOI does not believe
that domestic Naxals and Nepalese Maoists maintain any
significant operational links, except for some commercial
arms sales from the Nepalese to the Naxals. Nepalese Maoists,
however, appear to enjoy relatively free movement within
Naxal-held areas in India along the 1,700 km open border.
While we frequently hear reports of Nepalese Maoist
leaders (including the Number 1 and Number 2 Prachanda and
Baburam Bhattarai) spending long periods of time in India
with leftist sympathizers, the GOI has assured us repeatedly
that it gives no quarter to Nepalese Maoists, and several
high-ranking Maoists are being held in Indian jails.

Yet another cable sent earlier this year from the US Embassy in New Delhi, an embassy official claimed that Nepalese police officers are paid to arrest Tibetan refugees by China. These Tibetan refugees are arrested who are trying to cross the border. This information is contained in a document entitled ‘Update on Tibetan refugee flow’. This information was sent by an unknown official from the embassy.

Reverse trend – now it's not Wikileaks that goes offline

MasterCard was forced offline for hours by an online assault, led by a group of hackers, to protest against MasterCard’s decision to block WikiLeaks donation. After temporarily taking offline the websites of Post Finance, the Swiss bank which closed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s account, the same group was responsible to the DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack on MasterCard website.

In contrast to that, with numerous mirrors, Wikileaks now is highly unlikely to be taken offline as before. Some researchers suggest that it has grown in such a scale that, it is nearly immune to takedown. 14 different name servers across 11 different networks make a lot less vulnerable than In addition to that, about 1000 mirror sites all over the world are mirroring the whole of its content, making it difficult to censor the contents.

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Julian Assange – Secret, Suspense, Thrilling, and they have added SEX to make it more interesting


Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested in the UK and he was refused a bailout. He was arrested over sex crime allegations in Sweden and it has nothing to do with the release of secret documents by his organization. Wikileaks has told that the arrest will have no impact on the release of the secret documents.

In a BBC report, Australia’s foreign minister, Kevin Rudd, has blamed the US in the release of thousands of diplomatic cables on Wikileaks. He told that its Australian founder, Julian Assange, has done nothing wrong.

The Australia’s foreign minister, in an interview with Reuters said, "Mr Assange is not himself responsible for the unauthorized release of 250,000 documents from the US diplomatic communications network. The Americans are responsible for that."

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Wikileaks – Twitter screenshot!

Wikileaks has created a huge impact in the global scale. Recently it’s editor-in-chief Julian Assange was arrested in the UK in ‘rape’ charges.

Wikileaks is banned in every aspect of it’s online presence, except for its twitter page. With 438,016 followers (I am not one of them and there are lot like me) and only one following, it has grown to be extremely popular destination to know the latest about the whistle-blowing website.

Americans block internet too; Julian Assange featured in TIME cover

If you were in the illusion that internet is only blocked in countries like China or Nepal, you are wrong. USA, the world’s largest democracy also block internet if they don’t like contents of some website.

In a latest news, the Library of Congress has blocked access to the Wikileaks site on its internal and wireless network for visitors. I is told that the Department of Education has also blocked Wikileaks. It is also reported that the State Department and the Commerce Department have told their employees not to look at the Wikileaks cables.

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WikiLeaks domain terminated, moves to Swiss domain, prepares for Twitter ban

The domain name provider of WikiLeaks,, has said that it has terminated the domain as the domain has come under massive cyber attacks. As the website started releasing more than 250,000 diplomatic cables, the pressure against the whistle-blowing organization has been increasing from all over the world. The website is renamed (a Swiss domain).

The website now features a message "Keep us strong help wikileaks keep governments open," beside a photo of its founder Julian Assange.

Yesterday, the US server, had pulled the plug of the website and it had to move to European servers.

WikiLeaks Twitter response accuses the Amazon’s blog post response a ‘lie’ :

Amazon’s press release does not accord with the facts on public record. It is one thing to be cowardly. Another to lie about it.

Prepared for Twitter ban ?

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WikiLeaks – Amazon has come-up with an explanation

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has come up with an explanation on why they kicked WikiLeaks off its servers after a day of the event. Amazon claims that it has stopped providing service to WikiLeaks as it was breaking rules designed to ensure websites use their own content and that it won’t injure others. Amazon in a blog post explained how the decision was their own and, not taken due to the pressure from the U.S. government. Amazon says, the terms of service clause that was in clear violation by WikiLeaks was:

…you represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the content… that use of the content you supply does not violate this policy and will not cause injury to any person or entity.

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Julian Assange – talks about WikiLeaks (videos)

Julian Assange the 39 year-old founder of whistleblower website, WikiLeaks, is a mysterious personality. His mother tells him to be ‘very intelligent’. An Australian hacker has a record of being arrested on 18 hacking charges, and wanted by Interpol for sexual charges.

Julian explains – “Why the world needs WikiLeaks” in a talk with TED’s Chris Anderson. In th e19 minutes video he explains how the site operates, what it has accomplished, and what drives him.

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WikiLeaks website pulled by amidst political pressure in US

Wikileaks Twitter page mentioned:

WikiLeaks servers at Amazon ousted. Free speech the land of the free–fine our $ are now spent to employ people in Europe.

After an hour another update was posted:

If Amazon are so uncomfortable with the first amendment, they should get out of the business of selling books.

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WikiLeaks down in US and Europe, Sarah Palin wants US to hunt Assange like Osama bin Laden

WikiLeaks website couldn’t be opened in the US and Europe today. WikiLeaks official said that the site was under a forceful internet-based attack causing site to be inaccessible to the users in U.S. and Europe. A British newspaper, Dailymail, reports that the current attack is most likely coming from China. Earlier, it was reported that China has blocked the website within the country.

Various political leaders have wished to punish the 39 year-old founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange for releasing the confidential diplomatic documents.

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Canadian PM advisor wants WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange killed

WikiLeaks has created a ripple in the diplomatic circle all around the world and China has already blocked the website. Now, a Canadian politician wanted the founder of the website, Julian Assange, dead.

In an interview with CBC news, an adviser to Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada, Prof Tom Flanagan, said, “I think Assange should be assassinated actually … There is no good coming of this.”

A t the end
of the interview, Prof Flangan added, “I wouldn’t feel unhappy if Assange disappeared.”

Interpol has issued a “Red Notice” alert for Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, in relation to two rape charges issued by Swedish police.

The 39 year-old Julian Assange, is already facing legal problems on an unrelated case. Interpol has issued "Red Notice" alert for him in charge of two rape charges issued by Swedish police.

Will Nepal government block WikiLeaks? China has !

The WikiLeaks website was blocked in China on Wednesday in an attempt to save face to during the potentially embarrassing situation when the leaked U.S. diplomatic cables will be posted in the site. Now, WikiLeaks has joined the wide range of Western websites including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Some of the cables related to China are  told to contain communications stating –

  • China’s Politburo directed a cyber intrusion into Google’s computer systems…
  • Chinese diplomat quoted describing North Korea as a "spoiled child" …
  • North Korea’s communist regime would likely collapse within three years of the death of ruler Kim Jong Il
  • Chinese leaders were prepared to accept South Korea’s eventual rule

Little is known about what is there in case of Nepal. I wonder if the Nepal government wants to block the website in Nepal.

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US government nightmare – WikiLeaks released US diplomatic cables – 2600 cables from Kathmandu

A website popular for releasing secret military and government documents, WikiLeaks has started releasing more than 251,000 cables from various embassies all around the world. The website says that the cables from the US Embassy in Nepal counts 2600.

According to the chart in the WikiLeaks website, cables from Kathmandu are:

  • Secret – 84
  • Confidential – 1399
  • Unclassified – 795

That makes a total – 2278. I have no idea what other 322 cables are related to.

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