Its official, Chhabi camp to make female oriented movies only

It is a well known fact that most of the movies produced in Chhabi’s production house had always been female oriented movies. After spending the last 25 years producing Nepali movies, Chhabi has decided that he will only produce female-centered movies in future.

History of Chhabi Raj Ojha‘s film making (in video slideshow):

Last year, Chhabi tried a new area – a male-centered movie, ‘Loafer’ (watch ‘Loafer’ here). When the only male-centered movie became a total failure, Chhabi has publicly announced that he will always make female-centered movies. He was talking to an online magazine about his upcoming release ‘Hawaldar Suntali’. The movie is releasing with other big name movies like ‘Seto Bagh’ and ‘Nai Nabhannu La 3’.

Talking about the interesting competition his movie is facing, Chhabi told that none of his previous movies were solo release. The only solo release ‘Loafer’ flopped. He remembered that competition during the release started since his first movie ‘Yug Dekhi Yug Samma’.

A movie about a woman police officer who is raped by her colleagues, ‘Hawaldar Suntali’, is based on a real incident. Directed by Rishi Lamichane, the movie features Shilpa Pokharel, Sabin Shrestha and Kishor Khatiwada in leading roles.

chhabi raj ojha

Video: 5 milestones in Chhabi Raj Ojha’s film making:

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