Nandita to Arunima, Mukesh to Bimalesh at Raj Ballav reception party

After getting married on Sunday, December 3, Nepali actor Raj Ballav and his newly wed Pratima Bimali organized a reception party in the USA. In the party, various Nepali film industry personalities were present. In one of the photos shared by Raj Ballav after the party, actresses Nandita KC, Richa Ghimire and Arunima Lamsal are seen present. Among the actors, Mukesh Dhakal, Bimalesh Adhikari and Mukesh Acharya were present. In the photo, Arunima’s mother Radha Lamsal and Dilip Rayamajhi’s wife and director Prasanna Poudel are also seen.

Raj Ballav and Pratima had tied the knot after the formal engagement some 4 months ago.

Raj Ballav had been absent from the Nepali film industry after he went to the USA. Although he had made a short comeback in ‘Chhha Ekan Chha’ and a Hollywood film ‘Highway to Dhumpus’, his return in the film industry is questioned. After the marriage, I think, his return back to Nepal is even less likely.

Most of the artists who had gone to the USA have stopped acting. Some have returned back to Nepal and tried to get back into their original profession. But, most of those who return back have failed to impress the viewers. A few exceptions are Gauri Malla and Saroj Khanal who are still going on strong after their comeback.

Some photos of the bride and groom:

I had prepared the following video right after the news of Raj Ballav’s marriage (read the news report here).

Watch all the films of Raj Ballav:

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