Nepali Movie – Dasdhunga

An Apil Bista films production’s movie, based on political leaders Madan Bhandari and Jivraj Ashrit who were killed in an ‘accident’ that happened in the place called Dasdhunga.
Nepali Movie – Dasdhunga
StarringAnup Baral, Sanchita Luitel, Dayahang Rai, BS Rana, Bishow Basnet etc.
Director – Manoj Pandit

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Credit – AB Pictures

Two years research about Dasdhunga incident, Madan Bhandari and Jeevraj Aashrit:

Twitter comment from a viewer:

News about Censor board removing 10 minutes portion of ‘Dasdhunga’.

The following report was published on Jan 21, 2010 @ 23:01 and consolidated here.

Dasdhunga, 10 minutes too long – censor board

The Nepali film censor board has objected on some scenes of a movie based on the event of an ‘accident’ killing two top UML leaders, Madan Bhandari and Jivraj Ashrit. The 1993 ‘accident’ happened in a very mysterious circumstances and the only survivor of the accident, driver Amar Lama, was also killed after 10 years by an unidentified killer.


The movie ‘Dasdhunga’, produced by Apil Bista and directed by Manoj Pandit, is based on the incident, named after the accident location, Dasdhunga. The movie is told to be based on reports of various examination committees (Anil Commission, Tuladhar Commission, and Oli Commission) and published news/articles after the incident. The actors in the movie are: Anup Baral (Government Examination Panel), Dayahang Rai (driver Amar Lama), Saugat Malla (foreign agent), Sanchita Luintel (Anup Baral’s wife) etc.

The censor board has asked the producer to cut different scenes from various parts (a total of 10 minutes in length) of the movie to be eligible for public shows. The board has accused that the the conversations in the scenes pose threats to the relationship with neighboring countries.

The incident was surrounded by controversy and now the movie based on the incident is also facing similar controversies before its release. The controversy will surely be beneficial for the movie and the free publicity will pay well if the movie is made decent enough.

8 thoughts on “Nepali Movie – Dasdhunga

  1. Flim (taron) I know the scripts for this movie related in powers for first time in nepal and i will give the flim’s pattern please contact me on email

  2. i really wanted to watch this movie but it got removed by the user..pls do upload it
    does anyone knw where else i can find this movie ?????thanks

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